Thursday, February 26, 2015

Crazy sort of day

Tummy aches all around…again!

Sadly, Gus’s tummy proved to be very, very bad.

Blood was seen in his gushy excrement/feces, and so we had to make another trip to the vet!

This time we chose another recommended by a friend.

The last doctor was a bit too impatient with him and he therefore was not a happy camper, last thing one needs when ill.

Diagnosis was swift and fixable: hook worms, extremely deadly and dangerous for the very young of his species, but he is old enough to combat the little buggers with just a powdery medication given over a three day period, thankfully. Although, this doc feels that he is younger than a year since he has grown so much, when we got him he was 17 lbs and now in just two months he is over 20lbs, but still not fat since he has grown all over. This doc feels he could be as large as 25 lbs when full grown and think that his mix is Havanese and Lapso instead of Shih Tzu, due to the dramatic growth in size.

Our thoughts went again to his appetite of eating everything he finds in our backyard including dare I say feral cat feces since they use our used to be raised bed veggie gardens for litter boxes.

The detective in me asked the vet tech if my theory was possible and she said yes it was especially if they had hook worms themselves, the feral cats that is.

Hubby made a call to animal control when he got home from his last stop Publix to see if they would pick them up, but animal control was closed for the day @five, it was five thirty.

Don’t get me wrong I love cats and all animals but these guys could be sick too and in need of treatment. We even have a live catcher trap to help animal control out if need be when Hubby gets a hold of them. Actually, it would be best if they could be relocated, ya know?

It’s been at least two years since we have had our lovely veggie garden.

Oh my tummy has been bad again for weeks my medication that I have been on for years for reflux and gastritis seems to have stop working. I find with my bad shoulders and the pain right there in the middle of my chest lying down has proven to be the most beneficial. I actually did not have any lunch today because I wasn’t hungry, but I did have dinner, a seafood salad on a salad from Subway, that Hubby picked up with his meatball sub.

Now my generic of Nexium doubled recommended dosage, as per gastroenterologist, and Pepcid 2X a day will be working overtime.

But most bland non-roughage foods are fattening, breads and dairy, true?

Moving on…

Number One Son closes, just like a house, a closing, on his Pearson 365 ketch tomorrow, and boy is he happy!

Oh dear…any-who I am going to say good night early since I am pooped and I missed another nap, allow me then to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

PS Just a shout out to my Hubby of thanks for working until he got it right yesterday on my broken again recliner chair, all fixed now and works great!

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