Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Anger is considered a useless emotion by many

But I disagree, by venting that anger in a positive way is helpful to digest how you feel that you have been mistreated, denied something you so much desired, left out of a group or friendship, or when some one has hurt your feelings by saying something mean to you directly and on and on and on we go…

“They” say that bottling up negative emotion has proven to cause high blood pressure, heart disease and can even possibly cause a stroke, so many say.

Most recently cursing has been approved of for allowing a beneficial outcry, literally, for a concept portending anger to let you let it go…with panache! Wash your hands of it after.

The written word for the whole world to see has proven beneficial here for moi. Sure there is an occasional backlash, but who really reads this drivel, except only the smartest and bravest.
Besides much of what I publish is said with tongue in cheek demeanor anyway… although, when people who are paid to get it right get it wrong that is rather disturbing, ya know and I bet you agree; especially when it comes to one’s well being…on the line.

I do agree to a point that ANGER is a very wasteful emotion and that as human beings, by now, there has got to be a better way to manage it than using guns or physical behaviors of any of those severe ways to handling things that perturb us.

Violence comes out of too many sports that promote that behavior of hitting and downing one’s opponent and video games do that too to young minds making it look either like fun or the only way to combat others BAD behavior…NOT GOOD OR RIGHT!

Some outlets for anger are to do positive things; by changing things for the better or using non-violent ways to express those negative feelings through dance might sound pretty sissy-ish to some but can work for many others and is more civilized without a doubt.

Considering I was a chatty child from a very young age I still was one of those, dare I say I would bite other children, out of frustration or who knows why, maybe anger, a horrid youngster and my reputation was as nasty as ptomaine poisoning. The only excuse, no real excuse, that I can come up with was the fact that I was very young and small and had been picked on and talked down to, and in my mini brain at the time all I would do in retaliation was to bite that other child back, yep anger is a powerful feeling, even when you’re a child, especially when you are a child. No logical reasoning can approve of that totally bizarre and BAD behavior, but thankfully I outgrew that way of handling my anger and now subscribe to the ancient concept “that the pen truly is mightier than the sword!” Interesting debate over where this quote actually came from:

I am still thinking that it is from Shakespeare, but what do I really know? (Not very much.)
And it sure has proven that for centuries, longer than I was a non-card carrying member of this premise for all journalistic treatments that it appears to be true!

My feelings somehow always come through when unhappy, but for balance I would like to think they also do for when I am happy!

We are only human and none are infallible to my knowledge and so on that logic alone allow anger to be in your array of emotions but with the caveat of tempered self control at the forefront please, and non-physical or use of weaponry please too.
If I did not make myself clear do not use those last two mentioned items.

On a higher note again this topic was given indirectly to me by one of my FB friends who has become my latest poker on there. And so I found out years ago when poked that most want you to notice what they have posted on their own wall, so I took a look and sure enough he gave his shorter version of my exaggerated long-winded demonstration here of my overly opinionated commentary,  I do believe that he did not get me with my attitude of last night with that infamous insurance company and all the grief I have sustained from them…or he could have been referring to people in general and then in that case, I could be wrong, I have been wrong before and often, then… never mind; allow me anyway to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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