Wednesday, February 11, 2015


We as a generation of a society that fought for our brethren of minorities to have equal opportunities have an interesting vantage point to conduct opinions about many of the most recent groups that too may have been lumped together thinking that all the people to be the same in all aspects of their lives.

I recall from my childhood an idiom that “one bad apple spoils the whole bunch” mentality.

Although, I did live in a north eastern American suburb and to be frank many people utilized that expression in calling out bad behavior of a child in a group setting, not for racial, national origins or religious reasonings, just bad behavior. And the fear then was that that BAD BEHAVIOR would spread throughout that bunch. (AS would a box with apples go rotten from the host in it being already there, but not a land with people…oh wait WW11) Nazis come to mind for that large group of very BAD APPLES and infiltrating and brainwashing others who agreed with their politics…although this is not the same, or is it, no not all Muslims are Isis!

And sure many believe that when a group of people did act a certain way that perhaps though that many of the same people will believe that all of that particular group feels that it is all right to shun them or berate them, but no we all know that cannot and should not be an assumption of that being the case for the rest are more than likely NOT BAD APPLES, got it?

I think that it is unfair to think that way and as rational intelligent human beings I more than would expect for most decent folks NOT to assume otherwise! As we are free thinking people, all of us, not just certain ones it is definitely a likely reasoning.

Here is my idea of an example: Not all people who like the color blue are the same or the ones who enjoy the color red, might sometimes like blue and blue people might like red and on and on it can go, so oh no do not assume anything else! Simplicity at its finest!

Much to my chagrin people are categorizing all faiths that are not their own to be wrong!

Come on people where is the acceptance and understanding.

Being cautious in these times is prudent but being foolishly paranoid is just that foolish.

Prejudice is also quite unhealthy as all other forms of hate.

What set me off on this thought process was that one of my FB friends posted an article on 27% of people believing that a certain group to believe a particular negative way due to persons of that particular faith doing such and such…HORRIFIC acts but why would others believe that when a marginal portion of the people do that “bad apple” deal but most do not?

Is it just me not getting why just the “bad apples” should be held responsible not so many others?

All in all we have a long way to go in this world for total peace and understanding and while I wait for us to realize this is it people our only time lives and places to unite I truly hope that I live to hear or see it happen…

So I end tonight’s disconnected monologue with hopes that you all can translate some of what I said into a coherent opinionated usefulness of how this world has got to take care of itself but also not to fear, fear itself and so with that allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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