Wednesday, February 4, 2015

And so it was/is like this...


Sure I find my daily ills documented here fascinating but why should you, really.
See, I get it, the question was rhetorical.

Went to the gym/rehab today and did all my reps (repetitions) on the equipment and oddly enough going in later without my peeps there the whole shebang took twenty minutes. With chatting the whole thingy takes perhaps a half an hour to forty-five minutes, not to mention waiting to use equipment that others are on.

Did I mention the likelihood of getting an “*accessible parking spot” is that much greater without the multitudes searching for one too; I am nothing if not PC (*Politically correct and ha!)
Again rhetorical; boy it’s sure good talking to you all and ha again.

These days life is simpler, we go from point A to point B without any issues and plot our day’s journeys with reckless abandonment, due to not being on a schedule, ha!

I had declared when I first threw caution to the wind and became one of the many bums/retired types that I would still remain with a daily planner in my mind to keep busy and active no matter what!
But life happens and the best laid plans of… you know the rest.

So in retrospect I decided over these last few years to take some stress out of my life since so many others have felt the necessity to cause me stress seemingly due to their type of vocations, any-who and so for a while now when not dealing with those afore mentioned types I try hard to go with the flow, but not too since that too would be considered stressful, got it?

I highly recommend it to any of you who not unlike me need to calm themselves in deliriously difficult situations; one word can change it all “CHILL”, say it to yourself as if a mantra.

Try it you may like it, it works with unruly interlopers or familiar folks too in every aspect of your life… just turn on your heels and take deep breaths and say to yourself, “CHILL”. Or turn around towards the culprits and yell it to the ones trying to induce or escalate your stress level. If they don’t get the hint yell it again and continue with this as you quickly leave the area!

Benefits of adjusting our temperament in older age is that we should be able to live longer, so “they” say; aren’t we all glad that “they” have remained anonymous in almost all cases?
Because if we could actually tell them the “theys” what we think that would cause us to have more stress and we and “theys” are trying so hard to alleviate it, true?

Counterproductive, don’t you just love those newer compound words, in defining how we should do things or not do things in our lives; what ever happened to NOT OR OPPOSITE OF PRODUCTIVE; again rhetorical.
There is something to be said about a woman who can hold up both ends of a conversation all by herself, hmm?
Men, now would not be a good time to say a thing, got it? LOL!

Although, I am more than sure you would love to become one of the “theys” too for all I know you all could be the “theys”, hmm?
Assuming; shame on me.

Moving on and thank goodness!

Tonight’s realization of how we as individuals conduct ourselves on the world stage/theater to steal a war term, since most everywhere we and the rest of us are all sadly at war…nations battle, people too, disagreements are so very sadly not as clear-cut as the most deadly of the humans believe but act with not wanting to think otherwise that is to find the good in the ones they have decided were better doomed to death… Of course as a member of the human being society of this tiny world that gets smaller each and every day I will never understand why anything is so bad that it has no hope to change for the better and that we as ONE WORLD cannot try harder to really and truly understand that this is the only world we got and that we should learn to think about why disagreements can escalate beyond reason into causing people to end people… that’s all…and PLEASE STOP!

On that note of we do need hope to live with all peoples and respect our differences and not bully anyone to be just like you, since in reality not even your closest family member can or will be or wants to be just like you because you are you and “they” are them, huh?
You get it though I bet.

In spite of all this allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night, oh wait, because of all this allow me to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

I think I made my point; If not take it as another rhetorical observation…I’m good if nothing else.

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