Monday, November 10, 2014

Mission completed!

Some days you know that accomplishing what needs to be done just won't get done due to life happening!
But then they're days when you feel Geez it went how I thought it would go, but not exactly!
Today was the second one.

Sure we arrived at the gym/rehab around eleven A.M. and saw our new pals minus one, and I was able to get on the stationary bike and start off from my month long absence with a ten minute trek upon its generous seat.
Although, the glitch here was that it was broken info wise and resistance wise and for the first few minutes I did try to set it and then caught a woman who works there and asked, why I could not get it to set.
She explained that they were waiting on the maintenance people from the company and that they cannot fix it even if they knew how…
No wonder it was such an easy-rider, forgive the pun, nah, accept it!
Why not, it was my first day back into the fold and this was encouraging me that I really could do it!

I had pre-determined that for being gone so long I should ease back into it all and realized that fifteen minutes this first day would be an acceptable beginning… although with my walking more over this last week I do believe I was getting this enormous body of mine back into some type of conditioning?
I only used two of the many choices of equipment the second one was the total gym, which is that slant board thingy and believe it or not I actually did three sets of twenty-five, yay!

From there we dropped off the three heavy duty black yard bags of skinny washed, dried and folded clothes off at the Goodwill.

After that it was lunch time and today we chose Applebee’s; newly renovated. We both ordered the same thing for a change, their Napa chicken with Portabella and of course other things, onions and peppers and roasted red potatoes etc., but only 490 calories. I had my unsweet iced tea with extra lemons on the side, always, and Hubby had his black coffee with sugar.

Any-who, we enjoyed every piece and went out to our car and again it wouldn’t start! It is not the battery, because that was replaced and was checked each time, no it has to do with the electrical/computerized system that Hubby and Number One determined a while back, and both are very capable with mechanical machines. Hubby has five years of aeronautical engineering school under his belt and Number One Son studied auto mechanics and had been certified as a teen; so both do know machinery, plus putting cars together and replacing their engines as a beneficial hobby years ago, etc...

So the long and short of it is after about what seemed like an eternity, PS we do have free towing on our car insurance, but it did start up after several tries in about fifteen minutes…
We were both thinking time to go get to a car dealer, but when we drove to one and Hubby got out of our car and got into one on the lot and began playing with it, no one came over to help…how odd?
In actuality the price listed on it was a bit above our comfort zone range at nearly 40K, and so I waved Hubby to let’s go, and we did.

Our plan is to wait till next year when our out of pocket expenses by this time next year will be much less, and hopefully all the recalls will have been handled appropriately.

So our last stop was to Sam’s Club for gas at only $2.81.9 a gallon the best price around and also to take home two large Maxwell House coffees and we were done for our day out.

See accomplished, but not unscathed; who really has gone through an entire day with perfection, seriously, hmm?

On that note of still trying on those rose-colored glasses to see the world in a smidgen of a ruby glow, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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