Sunday, November 9, 2014

"Lotto or not? That is the question."

"The best thing about giving is that the reaction is always greater than the action"
"The first great gift we can bestow on others is a good example."
"A truly creative person rids him or herself of all self-imposed limitations"

Now I wonder if any of you know whose were whose?

The Lotto or lottery is not something either of us play regularly, in fact years can go by between purchasing a card, so the title I chose could be pertaining to either of us, hmm?

But Hubby is the one who is less likely to think we had a chance of winning anything that way…so if you guessed it was his, you would be right.

The first one on this opening page of tonight’s blog is also difficult to know if the correct person received it, since we both have been amazed about when we have given a gift to anyone and how they reacted. Sometimes with sincere gratitude, but at times we have been told honestly that we shouldn’t have and so this second fortune too could have been a jump shot on suitability for either of us, and probably any of you too? Again if you guessed Hubby you would be correct.

And so if you have been keeping tract of how this usually works with me using these fortune cookies fortunes from China City in Port Charlotte Florida for a topic on occasion you would know that although I don’t eat them, Hubby and I share the fortunes and yes those last two are mine…process of elimination; how brilliant of all of you!

Now bestowing a gift of setting a good example is what most parents do, and I was not very good at that… I smoked and moved on from jobs that did not agree with me, but in spite of that neither son ever smoked and both have stuck with jobs for more than a decade, much longer than me. (Note: Hubby was always our financial safety net, and I did quit smoking on July 11, 2006!)
But I did exonerate myself when I volunteered as I felt helpful and useful and able then… but no more, sadly.

And so that last one is not happening… although, I shall be going back to exercise, probably this week! I have made a commitment to give all my skinny clothes away to Goodwill, since I spent the weekend, besides taking that break yesterday, washing and drying six loads worth, and the hanging ones are still yet a force to be reckoned with!
All of Skipper’s left over food and medicine will be going to the Animal Welfare League this week too… and so besides cleaning the house in spots that do not see the light of day literally, it has been a busy last few days…!
Yes I did push myself past my limitations and my body has been feeling it, but bouncing back faster than I thought with proper care; I should be a professional on that by now, hmm? So I guess I can, sure I can, I know I can! And I am!

On that note of a positive all she wrote, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night, and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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