Sunday, October 12, 2014

Swim, swim, swim, swim...

YES! Today October 12, 2014 I was back in my swimming pool for the water decided to come up to temperature, my comfort zone of 86 degrees F! The air, dare I say reached ninety-five? I suppose we’re out of that cold spell, ha? At temps in the sixties it was a nice refreshing change for when we did not open our windows at night since the humidity was still up and fifty percent, more like seventy and ninety percent, ha!

Oh we have one of those solar blankets and Hubby used to put it over the pool for me but it’s a pain in the neck and the back taking it on and off and it’s too small to make a roller thing for it, like we had for our one up north but we had the solar panel too!

We also had solar panels on the roof of our home here that blew off, and it wasn't even a hurricane at the time, yep it does get windy here sometimes.

So Hubby is still putting together a parts list for making one like he did up north that was on the ground and angled toward the sun,( our backyard faces south, good for the winter but hot in the summer), and heavy duty. He had made one for the neighbor too a few years before we moved and the last time I spoke to them up in NJ a few years ago it was still functioning and that was done over thirty years ago! So Hubby knows he can do it, it’s just a matter of time and money but the cost is one sixth of the ones we had on the roof.

The pool was delightful and I found that I was able to do many things in there today like nearly my ole self; swimming by doing the breast stroke, and even the back stroke, but not the usual stroke/crawl; the reaching caused my ribs to feel horrid. So I listened to my body and did my leg circles in the deep end holding onto the railing and I was able to lift my legs higher than I had been since the pain started, getting stronger and better? BETTER!

I did try most everything for the lower half of my body, but no yellow elastic for arm stretches or Styrofoam weights, not good when that area is again hurting.

We finished the movie we started yesterday, Ender’s Game with quite a cast, circa 2013, genre Science Fiction Action : “Ender's Game is a 2013 American science fiction action film based on the novel of the same name by Orson Scott Card. Written and directed by Gavin Hood, the film stars Asa Butterfield as Andrew "Ender" Wiggin, an unusually gifted child who is sent to an advanced military academy in outer space to prepare for a future alien invasion. The supporting cast includes Harrison Ford, Hailee Steinfeld, Viola Davis, Abigail Breslin, and Ben Kingsley.

In the future, humanity is preparing to launch an attack on the homeworld of an alien race called the Formics who had attacked Earth fifty years earlier and killed millions. Gifted children are trained to become commanders of a new fleet for this attack.
Cadet Andrew "Ender" Wiggin draws the attention of Colonel Hyrum Graff and Major Gwen Anderson by his aptitude in simulated space combat. They order the removal of his monitor, signifying the end of the cadet program. Ender is beaten up by Stilson, a student he defeated in the combat sim, but Ender fights back and severely injures him. Ender confesses his grief to his older sister Valentine, but is harassed further by their older brother Peter. Graff arrives to announce Ender's entrance into Battle School. Graff places Ender with other cadets his age, but treats him as extraordinary, ostracizing him from the others.”

It did not do too well in the states but it has an incredible cast, although CGI is the true star of the movie as all similar ones in this genre and I do believe children of eight to sixteen age ranges might have enjoyed it better than I.

My warm shower after my pool time engulfed me in its splendid warmth and I was so looking forward to the popcorn that Hubby was kind enough to make and even so the atmosphere for the flick was just right… I suppose I’m more a romantic comedy gal.

On that note that is too telling, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

PS That’s not entirely true about only romantic comedies I do enjoy most anything with Harrison Ford in it and he has been known to do quite a few science fiction action films and I must admit I loved everyone of them and even the ones that weren’t!

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