Saturday, October 11, 2014

New mail today

Two in fact from my most recent nemesis, Florida Blue.

No bills, just one survey about the nurse who called me for the last few months to help me with my ills.
I gave her fours on their scale from 1-5, one being not good at all and five being great, oddly enough, although she was pleasant I don’t recall her doing that much, except listening; can't fault her too much for her company’s issues.

I was also given access to a nutritionist too, who has only called me a couple of times, less than the R.N., and when asked questions about my medications interacting with food or the meds causing me to have a bigger appetite she appeared to be not at all well informed or definitely could not tell me, since she had no idea!
There seems to be a gap in the training with the R.N.s and the Nutritionists, neither can tell me if medications and foods have a good co-existence or is their definite problems with their interaction, nope, dead phone air from them both.

No questionnaire or survey about her work as of yet.
The other one was a notice telling me someone changed my password to access their site at Florida Blue.

OK, now this is too weird since they are correct, my access password/code has been changed I just tried to get into it… they finally got something right it! 

And so I called their designated number for this issue and guess what there is no one on there, on their member help line until Monday!

So my privacy and all my medical secrets are available to whoever has the access code!

Now, if I wasn’t this person of complete openness that consistently tells all right here I would be possibly more concerned.
But why should I be?
Because someone has all my information!
And unless they are going to pay my bills I don’t like that at all!

Calm down, I am speaking to myself.
What else can I do, really?
It’s Saturday and no one is there to help me, although whoever has access can peek at all my tests and costs of those tests and determine the relevance of those tests I would somehow think… Why would anyone want or need access to any of that?
No one would.

I truly believe that this is some kind of weird mistake, although, my password doesn’t work, but I have forgotten many before and this wouldn’t be a first for that!
No, no way, nada, never, since it has happened before and often.
Why just today I had to find another password, but that was because my laptop crashed yesterday and we cleared the whole thing out and began again today with me redoing the whole shebang from soup to nuts… in other words reloading my browser of preference, my Facebook page and Blogger page, but so far my anti-virus I have not done yet, since for some reason it is giving me a free two month’s of my old one. Yep brand spanking new on that one…
 Who’s got worries?

Moving on...

It’s not like I have residual affects from my vomiting two nights ago; oh yes I do!
I once again have pain in my rib cage area, this time encircling my body, and so you got that right I Googled what might have caused that? Actually, “vomiting and rib pain”, is what I searched for and sure enough there is a correlation, a sprain can very well ensue in the rib cage area due to harsh emptying of the stomach due to muscles there.

So I took the extra strength Tylenol that my Dr. Nord said would not interfere with all the other legal drugs I am on, and that was around three thirty, and it’s now  six thirty-five, and so far nothing? I took the prescribed two pills of 500mg. that it says on the bottle to take every six hours…!

Now I remember why I didn’t take Tylenol for some reason it doesn’t seem to work on me.
Shocker that I have been sitting here this long, since I cannot reach up and I have been mostly in the recliner today.
Would have gone into the pool too today if it had gone up to my comfort zone of 85 degrees F, but it did not!
At 81 degrees F, it was too cold and with me in pain as I am, I didn’t think that cold water would be that great an idea. Even the warm/hot shower didn’t help.
Maybe tomorrow the pool will go up to where I can find comfort in its coziness? Now that I think about it cold can help at first with an injury, hmm?

Any-who, on that note of distant hope, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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