Thursday, October 2, 2014


I am fine, except for a small recent stupid accident I will explain after....
The "bone scan was negative for my thorax. No recent fractures."
"There is small focus of mild increased uptake in the region of L2 posterior spinous process. This may reflect remote trauma or degenerative change. The distribution of activity is within normal limits. Bilateral renal activity is present."  This translates to my kidneys are functioning, I think!
There was a "small focus of mild increased uptake at the L2 level, as above, related to trauma or degenerative change."
Translation: In other words that L2 slight herniation showed up as being there along with my arthritis.

*"Increased uptake seen in a Bone scan can mean many things:
To name a few of the most popular causes:

Degenerative Changes

Increased uptake is also known as a Hot Spot - This helps Doctors locate problematic areas for further investigation and specific imaging that best shows anatomical structures of the HOT SPOT. Correlation is made with imaging along with blood work, symptoms and history to reach a diagnosis or good reason that warrants further investigation for more sinister causes.

Hopefully this helps!
Sean D"

Thanks to:

L2 is lumbar 2, from in red, top to bottom L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
All I know is that it ouches there, and as far as my thorax goes it was a muscular issue, not a bone problem and so as I have said before if hurts when I do this and so now I should revisit it cautiously and slowly as per Dr. Nord. Actually, I said not to do that, but I guess I was WRONG!

Oh my ridiculous accidents...slip and fall is a nasty thing to do and I nearly did it twice within a three day period, but caught myself both times.
Although the first time not until I hit my self on going nearly down in the bathtub! Yep, how cliché of me.
Tuesday, was the first time after being in our pool going into the shower and no I did not put the rug down, shame on me!
And so when I went to get into the tub the part of it inside that does not have the roughened portion imbedded in the steel like the middle section does was too slippery for the first time that I can remember for this particular tub that was installed ten years ago, in white, after Hurricane Charley redecorated our home. And all these years no problem. My chair has been in there since 2009 when I got out of the hospital that April from having my first indoctrination with IV steroids for three days and it all was recommended to get the chair and the handheld faucet too, and so Hubby had it all done by the time I arrived home, what a guy!

Any-who, the tub came with its own so-called necessary roughness to presumably not need any accoutrements to get mildew upon.
And so I went on for years fat dumb and happy, yep by 2009 I was.

Until, fast forward this past Tuesday and if it wasn't for that glass door I would have been laid out on top of that hard tubby side!
But I caught myself and sat myself safely down and all was well, until today!
Wednesday I did shower too, everyday I do, of course, but it was uneventful.
And I got into the shower twisted in knots and so I am in pain now from that nasty dance of unexpected not rehearsed for dallying without an audience I might add...
And all this lovely damn pain on the day I have proof I am really all OKAY! 
An added little remembrance of these last two incidents is the nice temporary black and blue mark on my left thigh, and for a change I know where it came from, ha!

So after the doctor's office we went over to Bed Bath and Beyond and with my mighty 20% off coupon we bought the first, in ages a tub mat.
But oh what a tub mat, the most expensive one they had since it heralds two things it will not get moldy and if need be it can be washed in the washing machine, from  the packaging, "Airia Luxury, live in your element", "What is adaptive air mesh? A soft woven material made of 95% air and millions of supportive fibers. It's not a cloud, but pretty close. Our unique construction of micro air products allow water to flow through and dry quickly. Say hello to the new dimension in comfort."

 Don't worry I have saved it's wrappings, bag and receipt....@$24.99 even with 20% off for an inside the tub mat to me it seems expensive, but if it does do what it says plus if its suction cups stay put and prevent me from falling it will be worth every penny!

On that somewhat upbeat note allow me to be the very first wish you a very happy good night and to ask you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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