Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I am no longer TIRED, nah that's not true...
Sadly, I am always tired, but not always TIRED, got that?

Any-who, yesterday was a fun and exhausting day, and we Hubby, Number one Son and I had a wonderful visit.

He arrived a wee bit later than he expected due to an accident on the highway coming down here, it was about a quarter to eleven in the A.M., he had wanted to arrive around nine-ten-ish, I think.
And Hubby and I had determined how the day would be going pretty much, he again suggested that I not go into the pool before going over this time to the rehab, but now for my first day of return to independent exercises.

We almost left to go there and have Number One join us over there but we saw his car arriving at our home and so we talked a bit and all went together for my independent exercises.

Although, Hubby and our son did an errand of picking up our vitamins and postage stamps at the Winn Dixie grocery story in the same shopping mall as the rehab center.

It worked out fairly well since I was halfway through my four exercise machines completion of my first day as being on my own…
But not entirely that older couples lady knew the equipment there rather well and helped me align my sheet information with the set up as well as the proper way to get onto the machines.
She and her husband have been using many of the different ones that 
I hadn’t used previously and so it was very nice of her to help me and I did appreciate it and told her so.

Sometimes I do stop and realize that acting like a know-it-all is not the best way to learn anything!
And as I have said before as I grow older I realize that I know less and less; not like when I was a fifteen year old and knew everything, ha!

After we left there it was lunch time and we mentioned to our son of a restaurant that was not a chain and that we had not taken him to before.
He and his girlfriend enjoy traveling and have been on many cruises but also enjoy going to New Orleans and I mentioned that this restaurant serves Cajun style food as well as many other cuisines, but with a strong seafood menu and he said ok.

Hubby and I had only been there once before due to finding out the chef there had once been the chef for the Cultural Center and when he was there we so enjoyed the food.
So we tried it, and asked for him but he was not there that day. That day I had the jambalaya that I took pictures of, like a true foodie would and of Hubby’s chicken Marsala too.

Yesterday, I decided to try something different and so I had from their appetizer menu a shrimp cocktail and from the salad menu a wedge salad, and Number One chose their cod sandwich platter and Hubby got his new favorite there again, chicken Marsala. Two iced teas unsweet with lemon, for me and my son and Hubby had his coffee black with sugar.
Everything was delish.
Hubby asked our server if Chris the chef was in and she said that he was and Hubby commenced to tell her about us knowing him from where he used to work and missed his great cooking.

She went and got him and Chris Cooper came out, we all chatted a while and he said that his specialties there were his signature soups/ chowders and sauces and I said oh how much I love them. And he brought me out a cup of his very scrumptious fish chowder with shrimp and clams and cod etc. 
I had asked before he had left if he will be making lobster bisque that we used to enjoy so much when out on the boat down in the islands, here, not far away, at one of the Florida islands coastal restaurants.
He wasn’t absolute but I think he might.

We will definitely be going back there.
They are located on the water in Punta Gorda right over the route 41 bridge south of us.

Hurricane Charley’s
300 Retta Esplanade Punta Gorda Florida 33950
941-639-9695 or 941-575-0062

Used to be Benedetto’s Steak House there, next door to the hotel.

Yes, they’re named after that notorious day in our local history on 8/13/04, a Friday and the pictures of that day are throughout the place with even pieces of other remembrances too, debris etc.…

On that note of trying to make lemonade out of a nasty lemon, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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Speaking My Mind: Hubby is hanging in there...

Speaking My Mind: Hubby is hanging in there... :   My status quo is the same. As we age, things happen to our abilities to heal, other thing...