Wednesday, May 4, 2011

An unHubby night...mostly...

Any-who, I thought I would take an evening to vent about some of these morning network news shows that start at seven A.M. here on the east-coast of these fine United States.
Has anyone but me noticed how whenever they have these segments giving advice on finances, cooking or the latest gift ideas, what-have-you that they really don’t have their hand on the pulse of middle America?
I mean as a Facebook friend of mine mentioned the AVERAGE income of the AVERAGE American is anywhere from thirty to eighty thousand dollars a year, being a one to four people families. But when they discuss their topics that they feel we are interested in them, they either bend over backwards trying to understand that many people still ‘don’t’ feel that spending a few hundred bucks on ‘a’ holiday gift for one family member is a bargain?
You see, most of these anchors on the network make anywhere from ten million on up a year in salaries and work maybe ten or fifteen hours a week, but they don’t get it. That’s big money to most of us per person to spend of three hundred bucks, good grief that is a fortune to us! And of course we have never done it.
If love is shown by how much you spend on someone than I suppose that is what still equates in some peoples empty lives, but in reality, living in a car or motel room will not be where you would like to end up when you default on that mortgage! So get real friends!
I don’t know about you but I used to budget my holiday gifts for everyone to around the amount they so frivolously believe that we have the power to spend per loved one.
And I am more than sure many do spend more than they can afford, why else would the world be in such a tight spot, but I honestly try not to.
Our pockets are not that deep.
The finance segments are so hypocritical too they are giving investment advice sure enough, but I still think that sometimes they act crazy over small amounts people have to save, which is insulting to some of us, sort of like making a fuss over what your child saved in their piggy bank, but that is a wonderful given no matter how much, you get the idea though, right?
And as bargain as the real-estate market is for most these days with the foreclosure market still the majority of sales in stocked homes, resales have not yet totally recovered but I have been noticing in some parts of the country people are trying already to jack up their prices in stalled or not that great areas, what gives with that?
Are we in for another crazy over the top mortgaged resale market; with ARM’s out the wazoo?
And kids, first time buyers, are they getting taken once again?
What I am talking about is the over assessing the value of homes to make them appear more valuable and allowing mortgages to be sold for those inflated prices.
I smell trouble…its just my take on the way things seem…
Cooking segments, some are fairly honest with healthy heart smart recipes but they also have others with ridiculous cuts of meat that could break your bank.
And some are just bad for us.
I know that we have the ability to change that channel and my reasoning for mentioning all these reality segments when they try to relate to their audiences is because when they cancel all those fantasy fun soaps in the next several months the word is that they will be replacing them all with what they think we want elongated versions of their news magazine segments. I don’t know about you, but I am starting to plan for my viewing future or not, maybe I will try to listen to more radio or try to find those books on tapes, or maybe my eye surgery will be successful and will begin to read again like I used to a book a day!
But sadly my favorite authors have not been keeping up with my voracious appetite for more of their literary talents!

On that thought of frustration and need to find another way…let me be the first to wish you a very happy good night and to ask you kindly to count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be there, ya hear?

PS in spite of Hubby’s condition, which is stabilizing… he did distribute several dozen more tomatoes to our neighbors before all hello broke loose, how about that?

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