Tuesday, May 3, 2011

OMG ...Not Hubby 3!

I know I was tapped out on this title thing too! But when things happen they happen here too, not just in your homes, but you all knew that.

Yes, crazy as it must seem Hubby went to bed with lower blood pressure 139/83 and awoke with 174/101 and this was after he took another dose of his Bisoprolol-HCTZ 5-6.25MG, and since it was so high, again the doctor was called. An appointment was made again for ten A.M., while waiting I did monitor it by his insistence and concern, which I do think might be part of the elevated problem, since it crawled up 178/101 then to 187/104 and by the time we arrived at the doctor's office it reached 187/112 and this was after an additional medicine was administered, and so an EKG was taken and showed no problem, and another pill was given and it went down to 174/102 and finally by 12:38 P.M. we hit a number that was viable at 123/80 and we left with his additional prescription!

By the time we came home from returning a library book and eating lunch at the Cultural Center and then over to our Publix for the new prescription of Lisinopril of 40 MG, I am ‘unhappy’ to say that now Hubby and I are on some of the same medications but different doses, his Simvastatin is 20 MG. and mine is 40 MG. but his Lisinopril is the one above and mine is only 10 MG, my HCTZ 25MG, the same as his! And I have been on all of mine for five years next month and I have NO family history of high blood pressure just high cholesterol. (What I really mean is that I just wish he didn’t have this problem, but in reality I am glad the medicine will fix it, or keep it in check as a big help.)
By the time we came home from our errands I was very concerned about a nasty reversal of what we had accomplished and apparently Hubby was too and so just to be sure we took his blood pressure for what we hoped would be the last time today, and may I hear a drum roll please…it was 123/74! Picture perfect!

Since most everything else has been ruled out it appears that it is what I thought, hereditary, since his mom and brother both have had chronic high blood pressure for years.
Hubby just never felt ill enough to get it checked and this was in a way a good thing since now it is being taken care of accordingly and everyone knows that pretty much like undiagnosed or even diagnosed diabetes or high blood pressure, they can both cause strokes, heart attacks and kidney failure.

So it is foolish to not get checked and the best way is to go for a physical yearly even if you think you are fine. These underlying disorders can be insidious so please folks get checked with or without a family history, like breast cancer you don’t have to have a family history to get that too!

Hubby just felt hazy is what he said, I am not clear on what that means but he said it was like when he needed glasses for his first time in his early forties and in the distance things felt, not seeing things, but felt hazy; got that? Good, I wish I did. LOL! Not funny; sorry!

Any-who, however it manifests itself in your feelings take care of it and realize that these things are not for fooling around with since the ramifications are vicious and people love you and want you to be well and so if you won’t do it for yourself do it for them, OK?

I am of the belief as many may have guessed when one helps themselves you are actually helping the ones you love to not worry so much, got that?

And so on that mommy in me telling all of you to do what I think is important let me be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

Next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

PS I do believe the evil monster is dead, and I hope that I am not alone?

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