Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hubby's turn...

Tonight after a reading of 195/101 blood pressure I thought it would be a good idea for Hubby to get checked out at the hospital.
And so since I don’t drive and he was insistent and instead of calling an ambulance like we should have he drove us the 1.8 miles to the hospital.
Unfortunately, we are still paying off our last ambulance rides within weeks of each other from April of 2009, but he has full coverage now with his new insurance and so if need be, which I hope not, next time we will take advantage of that and I will be insistent!
He just looked at what I wrote and rationalized that it was good judgment on his part, as you can tell we are home now after about three hours there.
They did want to keep him for observation, but all his blood work and CAT scan came back in the normal range and after giving him medication for the blood pressure that too went back to a normal range.
But he had to sign out stating that the hospital wouldn’t be responsible if anything happened because it was against their better judgment.
And so he signed it and that is why we are home now and we just finished some nice heart smart chicken noodle soup from Progresso!
The addendum to all this is that he is to see the doctor tomorrow in his office and must call first thing in the morning, but this doctor who we tried first since his ad says that he had weekend office visits and is his named doctor on his insurance will not be in until ten A.M. tomorrow!
Any-who I was told while there to make arrangements to get a ride home once he was in his room and our across the canal neighbors I kept posted from when the nurse told me to call, since she said that Hubby wasn’t going to stay if he had to worry about me.
Right now he’s outside watering the gardens like nothing happened, what can I do?
If I tell him anything his blood pressure may go up again and so here I sit not doing what I feel I should.

Secretly I did call our eldest son to keep him informed about what was going on and he told me to call him back when we knew anything and I did try from the bathroom when we got home, since Hubby told me not to call him but now our son’s not home… wow, I just got a hold of him and told him all is pretty good, not perfect but better.
Since Hubby goes in, it seems every two years like clockwork to the hospital for a full workup, blood work, cardiogram, CAT scan that proved to be good. I have, I think, finally convinced him that a yearly physical at a doctor’s office would be more advantageous than these emergency type check-ups at the hospital.

And so on that better than we thought and only can hope that tomorrow will be better for him day and with medication he will do just fine. Let me be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to ask you to kindly count all your blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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Speaking My Mind: Hubby is hanging in there...

Speaking My Mind: Hubby is hanging in there... :   My status quo is the same. As we age, things happen to our abilities to heal, other thing...