Saturday, April 30, 2011

Busy Day Home and Garden Show and Save the Ta-tas, Decorate a bust or bra contest

“EVENT: THINK PINK ON THE PIER, an all day breast cancer awareness event featuring Memorial Survivor Walk, "Save the Ta-tas, Decorate a bust or bra contest", Stiletto Sprint, Cocktail "Cool Down" and live entertainment. Come support participating merchants providing Pink on the Pier merchandise! Registration forms available at Merchant stores or register on line now for each event: images/THINK PINK Walk registration1.doc. images/Think Pink Decor. reg...doc, images/THINK PINK Stiletto registration 1.doc. Call 941 575-3067 for details.”

After we went to the obligatory Home and Garden Show that has become a bi-annual tradition with us and realizing once again we wanted and needed for nothing that they had to offer at this time. Foolishly while there I once again registered for junk mail and phone calls that have proven in the past to annoy us, but at least this time I gave our home phone number which does not have voice mail or any other way for us to know if they missed us when we went out, yep I fooled them!

Any-who, it was one of those famous companies offering a fifty thousand dollar home makeover contest and if we did win it that would price us out of this neighborhood because the last house across the street sold for, get this… twenty-five thousand dollars! Although, it is not on the water like we are and another home across the canal just sold as I was told via email this morning from its next door neighbor for a whopping seventy-five thousand! I must admit before all hello broke loose the house three away from us also on the water sold for nearly four hundred thousand and the empty lot that had a home on it next door to us before Hurricane Charley hit in 2004 as vacant waterfront lot status got it sold for one hundred and twelve thousand, but whose keeping track these days; not me…
It’s crazy the real-estate market as many well know.
And so I spun the wheel sort of like a Wheel of Fortune wheel, but with objects that you could win and I won a …. Wait for it…. A bottle opener!
And now they have all my information for the big drawing and I happened to facetiously say “now how much junk mail will I be getting?” And the one woman said do you know how to unsubscribe? And I thought that was rather an insult and I let her know that!
And again stated my savvy years onboard this computer train; well, one of my qualifications I find myself spewing these days is that I even write a blog, and so she ran after me and wanted to know it’s title and therefore its address!
Dummy here gave it all to her, uh oh, darn what could I have been thinking?
You got that right, I wasn’t.
Thus I felt the necessity to NOT mention the company's name which by the by is out of Fort Myers and has showrooms that offer discounted prices, when you become a member, and it is not a warehouse club, their repertoire includes kitchens, baths and furniture! If you guessed Direct Buy, I won’t tell you if you are right or wrong.

Totally finished our browse through in less than half an hour at the local convention center on the water in River City AKA Punta Gorda and so we looked for some more desirable entertainment and it was nearing toward lunch time …we soon found ourselves at Fishville once again and they had pink ribbons lining the entrance since today's first paragraph was what I copied from their events program and somehow I ended up with a pink rose:

I guess it is more red than pink. The reason I believe they gave me one is because I mentioned my Mom had had breast cancer and she really did have a radical mastectomy and that I had had three lumpectomies and they were giving them to all the survivors and families of them although my Mom died two years after from a stroke, a week before her seventieth-first birthday, way back in 1982. After we received the rose I felt terrible because my lumpectomies thankfully were all benign and I almost gave it back, but even then they said you’re a survivor. Oh well, I still feel like a fraud since I know too many who are now going through it who are true survivors and stalwart and amazingly so, but they never ever seem to let me tell them but…MINE WERE BENIGN! I get the three lumpectomies out and it seems everyone assumes they were cancerous and so now I am coming clean, so far I have been very lucky as far as breast cancer goes…I HAVE BEEN BENIGN! I suppose I coward out due to their situations and me wanting to be so understanding, but that is true people believe if you have been through it you know better than someone who hasn’t been…oh I am so ashamed.

I know now that I am fortunate since so many have not been as lucky as me. Cancer is a two way street you either survive it or you die from it; sadly, no really gray territory.
And yet many I know like my first cousin, Audrey, who had bi-lateral mastectomies survived for years but with lymph edema, a swelling of her arms, she did live to the ripe old age of eighty-four, but in spite of her torturous experience never ever complained.
Some people are just too good too be true and she was.
And others are like me.

We did prepare for the heat with a cooler filled with my icepacks for my cooling vest; we thought today that we might be taking it out for a test drive, but the village had a nice waterfront breeze and of course the convention center was air-conditioned.
I don’t know why I did what I did but now it is out in the open I feel more awful than ever.

On that curious confession, I need you all so much and I know I profess to always tell the truth and omission is dishonest and so it seems that I am not unlike the many, and not perfect ever… but who is?

On that weird logic let me be the first to tell you to have a very happy good night and to ask you to kindly to count your blessings and share your overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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