Monday, March 21, 2011


“Multiple sclerosis, an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system, interrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body. Symptoms range from numbness and tingling to blindness and paralysis. The progress, severity and specific symptoms of MS in any one person cannot yet be predicted and currently, there is no cure.”

The above information is short and as concise as any that I have seen to date and it comes from the activists committee for MS. This information along with my name has been sent to our local senators asking them to vote on a bill to make sure all people suffering with MS have access to neurologists for help, diagnosis and continuing care.

As you can see tonight I am pulling no punches, and to many of my email friends I may be on their do not contact list after I just requested that they too get involved with our jointly request, oddly enough only two of those who I emailed also have Multiple sclerosis like I do; and I truly hope that it was not a friend deal breaker.

Although, just going over it again, it does not go into all other symptoms that I have mentioned over time here, but this is for the senators who are very busy people to scan with all the other bills they look at daily and so I do understand its brevity.

Becoming an activist for any organization is not hard to do, but quite beneficial especially today. Most letters are form letters; at least the two I do regularly are for MS and Arthritis and you do get a chance to write your own or use theirs and just sign it with all the information they ask, not more than your name, address and email really, so they can contact you.
No big deal for you to do but I do believe quite helpful with any organization you feel strongly about to be a part of helping them.
You see most all of the bills passed are to help us in the general population and without our biased input they would never know how important it is to you!
Yes, I did say biased, since if you want to commit to how you feel stalwartly about something then you must be opinionated on that particular topic and of course knowledgeable.
Doing nothing but standing by and waiting for others to do it or for things to happen may suit some people but not me, and so with this easy to be involved way of doing it, it was just another too good an offer to refuse.
And you do know that when it is for any illness from Cancer to MS, no one is going to say you shouldn’t do it, you see people do care when you do too!
So it is an easy positive relationship with a meaningful association and costs you nothing but does much; a true win, win situation!

I don’t want you to all think that my soapbox of issues has reverted to only one, an important one, but just before I started writing tonight I received the periodic email request for my involvement once more, which I have been doing over the years and felt it was just a great way to get you all to know about it too.

Some of my nightly ideas come from out of thin air or from our daily ventures or incidences and some times just from an email like tonight’s.
Verbosity is me, and so ha world!
But on occasion I do strike a chord with the world I so do hope, at least my readership is international, which does boggle my mind nightly, and for that I thank all of you!

And so on that happy thought please allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and kindly ask you to count those blessings and to share your overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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