Sunday, March 20, 2011


Anger can be useless energy and usually is.
It can be a devastating annoyance and usually is.
Fury is the ultimate of rage and is never ever any good.
Resentment is what many times causes all of it.

Sadly do any of us know why certain things infuriate others or ourselves?
Oh yes we do, when we or they push our buttons, and say that "you're just like your_____" fill in the blank with another of their family members, then why do arguers so often do it?
It never tames the situation.

From my personal experience all I can say it is because it’s like a ‘so yours too!’ rationale of getting into the heat of the moment and evening up the odds; and perhaps not being able to think of a classier comeback. That’s only a supposition on my part, because in all honesty I do believe what I say whenever I say it even if it hurts the other party but I have been hurt too after all by them at the same time, but they never seem to see it!

Anger as I said in my opening statement is a useless waste of energy.
What I want to know though is why it is so prevalent in my life these days and how can I change it?
I have no patience at all anymore, for people who do not follow through with things, since I have always been a finisher.
And I have been always my own person for standing up for what I believe in.
Anyone who follows this blog knows that.
And so when someone complains about anything and doesn’t follow through or pretends that it doesn’t bother them to someone else when they already did complain to authorities about it… I take it as another lie and a show of dishonesty.
To me it is being ‘a chicken’ to not admit that you do care enough about something to do something about it, or to make excuses why you cannot do it. Got that?
There is always ways to do this or that.
But I am sure you all know that.

Is it so wrong to want people you care about to be strong and take charge?
Disappointment is so sad in life, but when it comes from someone close to you then it is even worse; you know what I mean?

My other pet peeve tonight is, “That ignorance is not bliss!”, and should never ever be.
Again another misunderstanding that happened when a person was not well informed about my situation and spread incorrect info about me, and since I cannot directly explain each and every time all the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis that I have so sometimes I just mention them individually.
You see, due to the MS I have ataxia, which on its own is several other diseases but in MS it is a symptom of my balance problems and was diagnosed by my MD as that, after I was sent to and ENT, ear, nose and throat MD to rule that out.
Optic Neuritis also stands on its own or can be caused by many other illnesses other than MS, but mine is part of my MS, and sure it can be confusing, but many don’t take the time to investigate further and get blanket info or just one aspect of any disease.
This particular person I mentioned above had a friend or relative also diagnosed with ‘Ataxia’, but a different form and a stand alone illness, which was not specified but this person assumed mine was the same and why I did not seem to have the same problems as the person she knew. See, this is what makes me get upset! Not knowing the story then you should try to get it or at the very least ask, since getting the whole story is vital. Most people are squeamish about diseases, and I am sorry but I truly feel if a loved one or even a friend of yours has an illness you should find out as much as you can about it to be just more supportive and knowledgeable, is that so wrong? Anything less tells me they are not a true friend.
To be fair though, actually the person I mentioned would not be considered a friend more like an acquaintance who is passing on wrong information about me!

I know that sounds harsh but listen these ills are enough to deal with without having to explain why you can’t do this or that anymore for the thousandth time; or if you have to go about something in a new and different way.

Sorry about this evening being a venting one, but if you count back I was due, gosh it has to be at least six weeks since I let you all have it, come to think of it, probably less.

Any-who, let me be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to suggest that you count your blessings and ask you kindly to share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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