Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I don't let my dog make on your property and I also don't throw trash on your property and I would hope you wouldn't do either on mine?

That is the topic for tonight’s discussion, since we do have a leash law and I am an animal lover too. Our public parks provide doodle bags for all walked dogs and for awhile when our neighbors weren’t so aware of the proper protocol for such things, which truly amazes me it is just so logical to do in your own neighborhood too!
Any-who at one time it got so out of hand and all the doggies who decided to use our front lawn as their personal toilet were much larger than our own Skipper who is a svelte fifteen pounds give or take an ounce here or there. And he only goes in our fenced backyard like all who preceded him in our extended pet family members.
And so it is doubly annoying when others seem not to respect your property when simple baggies would make it all much more polite.
It drove me to writing that sign that was only up for about one week since whoever read it got the blatant hint rather quickly and realized it was only common sense and my famous sign did say, “My dog doesn’t make on your lawn so please do not allow yours to make on mine!” One week later all guilty parties conformed and it made me feel better about not having to catch them in the act and personally confront them, whew!
But lately, as I have said we have mostly people renting the foreclosed homes in our neighborhood, which is better than empty in my book and those transitory people and I only say that since they never seem to stay that long. Why next door we have had fourteen neighbors in twelve years, and I am a wee bit jaded by now in the try to get to know your neighbor thingy, ya know? And so I stopped about ten people ago.
Well, the people across the street are new renters too and smokers and they smoke outside which is fine since they have a toddler and I do think that is more than considerate and a healthy choice for their little one, but they throw their cigarette butts in the street and it is our street, theirs and ours and it bugs me! It is so messy and yucky, why don’t they use an ashtray it is not that difficult?
When I was a smoker I used to walk around with an ashtray outside and I had a big seashell on the dock and on the patio for such times of me doing that bad habit that I did quit doing nearly five years ago I am so proud to say.
I suppose they are concerned the baby might pick up the butts?
But I say then more reason to make sure you show the child a neater way to dispose of them, huh?
Believe me I was bad when I smoked with my sons so I do know how serious it is around children, but I think I was not as well informed as we are today.
Pride in our neighborhood is all I would like anyone to feel even if it is just for a short time; after all it is your home too!
We were renters for about six and a half years of our forty years of married life and I do remember, really but we always treated those rental properties as if it was our home for as long as we were there and I don’t get it when others don’t?
Here’s the breakdown, first 23 months we were married we rented a basement apartment, then moved in to our first owned home, our townhouse condo, next when we closed early on that and were in the process of building our five bedroom/ three bath two car garage bi-level, we rented in that town for about five months, so our eldest could go to the school he would be going to when we finished building, our younger son was only two and a half years old then and those homes were all in NJ. Then we moved to Florida on the east coast and bought a 3/2/1 and added a pool and spa to and then rented it out when we bought a 4/2/2 that we added a third bathroom and big addition 28'X24' and carport in addition to those garages. And then Hubby got his job on this coast and he rented here in River City while I tried to sell our home, one son was across the state in college and the other had already graduated and they shared their living quarters for awhile until the other got settled and then bought his own home.
We rented until and for a short time after we sold the other home across the state, which sold a few years later, nearly four, and then we bought this home New Year’s Eve of 1998, we had been here on this coast since 1995!
And so we had been renters and always improved where we lived by landscaping or cleaning up and repairing or whatever. Even our first place was literally built into a livable space in that basement by us!
I guess that is why I get so annoyed by others seemingly not to care when they should.
Sorry for that rant of fussiness, but home is home and should be maintained with love and care, but that is just me…

On that judgmental opinionated me thingy doing it once again… Let me be the first to wish you all to kindly count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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