Monday, February 28, 2011


Who didn’t watch last night?
And were we not all amazed by the way it all looked, the venue, and the people who could complain… just gorgeous, but…honestly…
People were dressed beautifully, women mostly and one specific young lady Hailee Steinfeld, that is, but for some crazy reason it appeared that we were all watching a dress rehearsal and that James Franco forgot we were all there to be entertained by him, since it was the real thing?

And I do know it was not just me…
The airwaves have been buzzing all day long.
Others are just trying to be oh so polite and not say it was what it was, insisting that he did not commit the biggest faux pas of all in any career of boring us to death with his lack of commitment to the job at hand! And some are even telling it as it is for all its worth!
Although, many felt that Anne Hathaway was trying to over-compensate for his lack luster performance by going over the top with sweetness and light.
I must say though what a song belter that young talented beautiful gal is, but she left us flat wanting more…Too bad Hugh Jackman turned her down and even Billy Crystal seemed like he was subdued too, how odd? These two guys have given us what we wanted and needed from their great show stopping Oscar winning hostings of the past!

Could it at all be that the script they were all told to follow was that drab and sad?
And being professionals they just did what they were told? Nah, not most of those peeps do know better.
Sadly, that’s the only excuse I would accept, but aren’t most of these shows hosts allowed to improvise? Yes, I thought it was like the law of the land, keeping it upbeat and lively till the night’s end!
Those children from PS 22 Staten Island’s, NY school were the best part of the entertainment portion of the program and that’s saying a lot with the caliber of stars in that room!
But they were so upbeat and happy and talented and… well maybe James should have handed the baton over to the kids, huh?
I am sure we would have had a much livelier evening going on, don’t you think so too?
In reality though, I must admit, I do so enjoy James Franco’s 'body of work' and his versatility in all of his artistic endeavors, since he does have so many!
He is also a scholar and going for his PhD. too, an amazing man, perhaps that is why he disappointed me so terribly much with all he has going for him... he rudely let us all down!
His previous statements of only rehearsing on weekends due to school only proves that he should finish one important thing to him at a time, no more multi-tasking young man, you hear? I feel I can talk to him like that since I believe he is two years younger than my youngest son who also is quite brilliant, if I do say so myself!
What can anyone say about Anne?
She looked absolutely stunning in any designer they adorned her with, but to be honest I did enjoy her over exuberance, although somehow due to James blah sleepy man attitude, and I do think it was really due to his exhaustion from his hectic schedule that made her look ridiculously perky in comparison.
But we love you kids and all you do and when your scripts are great so are you!
And so in conclusion perhaps all we had last night was a script malfunction, huh?
That’s the ticket, right!
After all, neither of these lovely talented hosts were trying anything ominous, and let’s face it we never even paid to see them last night, did we?
Oddly enough the expression that comes to mind you get what you pay for, nah that’s just ridiculous and slightly mean and so I won’t go there, oops I already did!
Bad Tobi!
PS Congrats to all those winners I voted for you too!
PSS Melissa please watch your mouth, Ooey cringe factor, but congrats, and dear sweet handsome guy, Kirk Douglas, we all do love you and you are truly one heck of a leading man forever!

Allow me to be the first to wish you all a happy good night and to all kindly count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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