Monday, September 14, 2020

Greenleaf, and when a liar tells his truth and no one believes him in this pseudo normalcy world by this pseudo normalcy gal!

Yes, the series is produced and she also happens to have a small role in it, an auntie, Mavis McCready, their Mom's sister, Ophrah Winfrey's, Greenleaf!
It's about a dynasty styled family, with a wardrobe that excels and the greatest most amazing mansion I have seen in real life or on TV but all due to the Calvary Christian church being their empire!

In the beginning, it starts with their estranged daughter, Grace, portrayed by Merle Dandridge, also known as GiGi, one of three daughters also Charity, portrayed by Joy Winans, and also a son named Jacob, portrayed by Lammon Rucker, Grace coming home for the funeral of Faith, their sister who had committed suicide.
GiGi has been away for twenty years and has come home with her daughter Sofia, played by Desiree Ross.

As the story evolves you find out that she had been gone all those years due to her family not believing her when she had told them that her uncle was sexually abusing Faith and Faith recanted her story and telling her sister about all those encounters with their uncle Mac, Robert McCready, portrayed by Gregory Alan Williams, Mom's brother. Stories unfold with Charity's husband, Kevin, Tye White, trying to deal with his concerns over having gay leanings just when they find out they are having twins...many stories intertwine and they are modern and upfront with many issues that this film-like series started in 2017 deals with such as police Black Lives Matter unrest as if written yesterday... no topic of current events untouched! Excellent acting portrayed by the character matriarch Mae, the Bishop's wife, Lyn Whitfield, and patriarch James the Bishop of the Church, portrayed by Keith David. 

Not giving too much away, but the story is one that is riveting and holds you spellbound without any inkling to dare change that channel!

It is currently streaming on Netflix, I do not know how I missed this!
Worth watching no matter who you claim to be!

The good news it first appears on OWN, that all of you with cable know and so this past June it has its 2020 year started and season five is on its way! ( According to OWN, Ophrah Winfrey Network!)
Loving it! Thanks again, Oprah!

Moving on...

Michael Cohen interviewed on The View today, believe me when I say I love this show due to no one pulling any punches. And the fact that Cohen stated it was as if being in a cult working for Mr. T, that explains the minion concept we have all been considering with the inner circle in our Whitehouse! What else could be the answer to "the why" people do his bidding for him and yes him to death... the so-called president. He hypnotizes them!
Meanwhile, it's hard to believe a notorious liar but somehow I did believe what Michael Cohen had to say.
Excellent interviews, by the way, ladies!
Never anything less...ever!

Moving on again...

Yesterday the rain was non-stop in many locations here in southwest Florida, and today too pretty much rain this morning all from the remnants of then Tropical Storm Sally, now a hurricane heading toward Louisianna and so this morning's sunrise was quite unique I would say???

What would you say???

And now from this the venue of my additional opinions...

And now without any further ado moving on again to...


VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala! VOTE FOR JOE & Kamala!
What a great team! THE WINNING TEAM!!!

Sanity runs in their families, decency and kindness, and smarts! Plenty of experience too! Did I mention EXPERIENCE! And level headed clear thinking!

And so we must go...

Be smart and be safe! 
Happy good night to all!

Count those blessings and we will too!
And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!
Take it, Bella! ( I am a Maltese Yorkie, a Morkie, and I might be four years old! We are all rescues so no one knows for sure.)I did this so I will be.

Aussie shut it down!

(I am an Australian Shepherd, an interesting factoid I was supposed to be a miniature you might know I AM NOT! But I am now over two and a half years old, so I am the baby HA! I was three months old when Mommy and Daddy adopted me.)

No tail/tale publishing circa 2018.

Don't forget us too! 

Easy as Aussie, Bella, Chance, now you got it!
And me Chance, I am a Bichon Frise mix, first I thought Maltese but now I am considering poodle? I am pictured here with Mom and Dad at the Port Charlotte Animal Welfare League! I am five years old they think.

Speaking My Mind: City Furniture, part four, still no answer or dama...

Speaking My Mind: City Furniture, part four, still no answer or dama... :   I have not heard back from hopeful Keith at City Furniture! I wi...