Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Being specific is important to me

"Neuro-ophthalmology is an academically-oriented subspecialty that merges the fields of neurology and ophthalmology, often dealing with complex systemic diseases that have manifestations in the visual system. Neuro-ophthalmologists initially complete a residency in either neurology, neurosurgery, or ophthalmology, then do a fellowship in the complementary field. Since diagnostic studies can be normal in patients with significant neuro-ophthalmic disease,[1] a detailed medical history and physical exam is essential, and neuro-ophthalmologists often spend a significant amount of time with their patients.
Common pathology referred to a neuro-ophthalmologist includes afferent visual system disorders (e.g. optic neuritisoptic neuropathypapilledemabrain tumors or strokes) and efferent visual system disorders (e.g. anisocoriadiplopiaophthalmoplegiaptosisnystagmusblepharospasmseizures of the eye or eye muscles, and hemifacial spasm). The largest international society of neuro-ophthalmologists is the North American Neuro-Ophthalmological Society (NANOS),[2] which organizes an annual meeting and publishes the Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology. Neuro-ophthalmologists are often faculty at large university-based medical centers. Patients often have co-existing disease in other fields (rheumatologyendocrinologyoncologycardiology, etc.), thus the neuro-ophthalmologist is often a liaison between the ophthalmology department and other departments in the medical center.[3]"
And since I had several occasions of bouts with Optic Neuritis, seven if I recall, and a bit of optic neuropathy, right eye 30%, 
and left eye only 5%, 
so my regular ophthalmologist sent me to this specific specialty physician.
See I can explain too!
But I am consistent in my explanations, not contrary.
Who would have thought our so-called president would believe a contraction like WOULDN'T WOULD be all the difference in
 his meager brain's interpretation
of what he felt he had meant to say during his news conference in Helsinki yesterday, now that he is safe at home, perhaps?
Are you like many other level headed Americans?
Feelings are that Russia has something on him, specifically their president baldy shirtless horseman has? But how could 
that be if they just met?
That is more than the pee pee story?
Fear seems to tell many, the multitudes that our very own dotty uncle Orange Frothy Haired Guy in our White House has a 
whopper of a SECRET, and his new comrad, not too new friend
knows it too! And he is playing that insider knowledge thing close to his presidential shirtless metaphoric vest! But oops
 maybe there is a bulge under that vest and not a body part, but a shiny cold...handled g--?
Or it could be a money thing?   
If he doesn't say what they need him to say?
OFHG, "Love you guys! Why would/wouldn't they tamper with our election process? Whatever could be in it for them?
 Their guy wanted ME to win, how sweet? 
Baldy said that he didn't collude in the elections and I believe him and that is good enough for me, since he was so
 strong in his statement! KGB, doesn't that just
 stand for intelligence like our CIA and FBI, K for kindness, G for goodness and B for let's be buddies?"
"He wants to work with our intelligence agencies, isn't that nice?"
Scene end.
My thoughts entirely and opinion of the whys...none was said by any of the parties involved in actuality only 
in the imagination of my own mind, and maybe yours too?
Anywho...Close, but no cigar?
Happy good night all!
And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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