Sunday, December 10, 2017

Good evening...

I guess I need a bit of an explanation why I fell asleep so long during the day yesterday.
Well, that night before we had nasty thunderstorms, and Gus our rescue Havanese mix is terribly afraid of them and carries on something awful.

Hubby stayed up with him during the last storm and since his flu is worse than mine, so far, I took a turn at calming Gus all night long.
And we, Gus and I, were up until four forty-three in the morning, so when I fell asleep I awoke the first time around seven thirty.
Feeling not too good myself I decided to take the Coricidin HPB, although I do not have high blood pressure, but the pharmacist nixed the Robitussin DM for me due to my asthma.
Also, my temperature is not as high as Hubby's has been, he had a few days of 102!
That is why I hadn't taken  the Coricidin, it has Tylenol in it, 325 mg., and it is great for lowering temperatures, but I didn't even have 100.

But when I did take it after breakfast I was achy, stuffed up and coughing and sneezing, and that is what Coricidin is for too.

Apparently, I turned my pill container up side down again, so I took, my before breakfast medicine at the right time, but I took my after and bedtime together by mistake, but at the time I did not realize it and neither did Hubby!
Sure I was sleep deprived and that is my excuse! My only one, otherwise I have no idea.

Hubby encouraged me to take a nap after breakfast, and so I even got into bed again after my usual morning shower.

When I did not awake for lunch I think he felt that I needed the rest and let me sleep.
But by seven thirty P.M. he finally woke me!

I was very cold to his touch, but I suppose with him running his fever still although lower like mine, he didn't think anything was wrong I was just very, very tired.
Hours later I said I could have been dead!
So very cold.
He said yeah, or some such thing.
I said I want to be cremated, remember that!

Even after I was awake a while my temperature was only 96.2, and I had taken my thyroid medication! ( With a hypothyroid condition you do tend to run low when not controlled.)
Although, I checked and hypothermia starts at 95 degrees and below from there.

So I did have a late dinner, while writing the blurb I left for you all, supper was a little bit of chili and tomato soup, and took my after lunch medication after dinner, and no more Coricidin.

And yep, last night I had a hard time getting to sleep this time due to whatever the days sleep was, nearly getting my day and night mixed up.
I did fall asleep late, around three A.M. and awoke just after six A.M., but tonight I should be back on track, I think? No naps today!

On that who really cares monologue, remember at times I am also here for your entertainment escapism from your truly more exciting than mine at times lives...
Why was I never asked to write for Seinfeld, I think that I am pretty good at writing about nothing!
As their show was based on, and successful forever, still!

On those overtired notes of delusions of grandeur, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night, and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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