Sunday, October 22, 2017

A day of doing deserves a day of not?

My way of expressing bum-ness?
My spell check insists there is no such word as "bum-ness", but of course I do, and I even have a definition so there! (I am currently sticking my adult tongue out at anyone who is within range, ha. No one? Hmm, Hubby took Gus out.)

Any-who, bum-ness is the ability to do nothing well! My forte.
Oh and in addition the time period of that doing can fluctuate in increments of times!
Let's say you feel that you want to enact the Ferris Bueller clause than meaning you can say you are doing not-a-thing all day long, but in reality that just means you are doing whatever you want to do, got that?
Bum-ness also is the "art" of being a bum, yes also dressing as silly as you wish without concern of peoples commentary!
Also specifically you are able to not commit to housework, or laundry or cooking, and almost never ever windows, i.e except when little four-footed darlings leave nose-prints, but those too can be put on the back burner for removal!
Limitations are only within your own set perimeters! Best thing is there are never any PERIMETERS with bum-nesses! Not a word either... oh well.
But always remember that manna is just another day a way.

Geez! I must be living in the sunshine state way too long!

In conclusion of this nonsense, being the concept of "bum-ness" is the realization that at times we all need a break from what life gives us... too much of grief, need to do, must want, have tos... and on and on... so instead get off this crazy ride, take a deep breath and chill by doing nothing, or just what you really want to ... you get the idea.
We all need some down time at times, and no one knows better than you when that is, so treat yourself, and learn to throw some no's into all those yes's you feel that you must, and watch the calm take over!
Nerves no longer rattled, and life will still go on without you interjecting your input!
Makes me kinda sad thinking that though... but let's face it all will continue with or without you.
So my little periodic experiment does prove that, and you know something we all want some of the action, and soooooooooo do whatever you want to be a part of it all, although taking time out isn't too bad an idea, if only for a short time, not forever!

Good night to all and to all share those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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