Friday, September 8, 2017

Mandatory Vs. Voluntary Evacuations!

Okay folks, and yes, we are still here!
Do not think we are crazy until you hear me out, and even then please do not think that, but seriously I think you too will change your mind...
Yes this nasty thing has decided to move to the western side of Florida, our side, but as we all know is that Irma almighty 2017 monstrous hurricane of gigantuan historic proportions as well as speed, is nearly 400 miles across still with it being a category 4, with winds of 155 mph, and gusts to 185, moving towards us at 12 mph, and horrifically destruction is her objective, and has been her MO on her way here!
She will be making her appearance in our Florida sunshine state first with tropical storm winds tomorrow, and then on Sunday wee hours of the morning at 2 A.M. her wrath will be felt!

That said, most all people who with us who know that they are getting a direct hit from her were told that they MUST evacuate, and this includes rains measured in feet, and wind measured as above by category that will be a 4, and that will also create storm surging as high as 12 feet, tsunami! So, we have been told oddly enough also being on a saltwater canal we will have that wind yes, but our home went through Charley a cat 4 with no time to put up shutters and this time we had plenty of time and they are up, rain accumulations of only 3-6 inches, and storm surge of only 1-3 feet! Our home is block stucco and frame structure, and even originally went through Donna in 1960! The only reason we had roof damage with Charley 2004 was due to one broken window from our neighbors roof going through it, and to this day it is still an empty lot, so that cannot happen again, and thankfully all our surrounding neighbors have boarded up, we all had enough time this time!

And we have two generators in our side garage courtyard and our gas grill that is being saved in our large stucco shed. Today I boiled a few eggs, 4, and baked potatoes 6, and made some other foods as well as homemade tomato soup, since this way besides the canned tuna, salmon, sardines and soups etc. we have things that in short work can be heated up, either on the grill that has a side burner. We have enough gas for the generators for a few days and at night for my CPAP! My chair is fully charged as well as our constant with the cells and laptop. We have a crank, battery, electric type radio, TV light contraption. The only thing that no longer works is the TV due to HD?

Hubby worked on the boat lift bunks today turning them the rest of the way sideways out of the canal, and the real reason besides the draft was due to our Bimini not being able to go up with it in the other position and very importantly if the storm surge could smash it into the rails the other way, and now it will just go up and float there! Even though it is well insured like everything else is, since it is brand new!

So we are here for the duration, and if I can safely take pictures I will.

We were given the option to leave, NOT MANDATORY!
With all the people who have very good necessary mandatory reasons to leave and the roads are so full with all of them, and our prayers are with them... we are blessed and so I wish them safe security in their travels and shelters.

Love to all and a very happy good night and share all those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

We are about where the red dot is:
No automatic alt text available.

Wish us luck!
Countdown to Irma, a day and half...!


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