Saturday, February 25, 2017

All better now!

Geez, globally the world is in the toilet, and people are dying daily from international wars, and economies are nasty in so many places and here right at home we have the worst president in our history and I took two days to wallow in self pity, Geez I feel like a putz!
Gosh, you know what helped me the most was something Hubby said.
He said let's rewind.
Okay, not as poignant as some might say, but enough and true.
He also said that we are going out today to do those errands we had not done in those two days I was recouping/regrouping?
So we had a fine day out after breakfast and went to Home Depot and got some weed and feed for the lawn, and Eucalyptus mulch for the gardens, see he did want some, and some stone edging that looks like logs but not really, and is made from cement. Both were in the brownish color scale, since we made the house so bright with the yellow this will tame it a bit. We, for a New York minute almost went with red, since everyone is doing it, get your minds out of the gutter, in mulch sillies, but we chose understated to instead of loudly clashing!
Eucalyptus, has a nice aroma too, and helps to keep the bugs OUT/AWAY, naturally!
Speaking about natural things I read an article about of all things Vicks Vapor Rub, did you know that it is for more than just colds?
I didn't.
Maybe you did? That's okay, everyday I enjoy learning something new.
Anyway, if you put some on the sides of your head/temples it helps with migraines, and so I tried it on my headache, not quite migraine quality, believe me I know those, since I used to get them, allergic migraines,... well it did seem to help a bit without taking any medication.
Also used as an insect repellent?
And for pimples it works overnight and all gone?
For stretch marks, to diminish them too!
Better yet here's the site, all twenty are there:

After Home Depot we went over to Applebee's for an early lunch, yep it was just eleven thirty, since we left the house after breakfast, Hubby had a Mexican style burger, his came with a soda and he had a cherry coke, and he can definitely use the calories and I had a steak and bean soup with a small Caesar salad with ice water and lemons on the side, the salad was enormous and so we packed most of it up with some of my soup to go home with Hubby's fries and a cup of ice since we forgot ours. We also received the ten percent Golden Apple discount when we asked for it.

So Applebee's is around the corner from Walmart and it was our next stop, I rode over on my BIG BLUE and Hubby drove and that is where we picked up their generic forms of my OTC medications,  Claritin (allergies), Pepcid Complete(stomach), and Systane (dry eyes), all prescribed by the doctors accordingly: ENT Claritin, Gastroenterologist Pepcid Complete, and Systane Ophthalmologist. Yes, they do, do that on occasion OTC meds. We are getting good at comparing ingredients, although many do have that option as Walgreen's and Walmart do, and they put theirs
 alongside of the name brands figuring you wouldn't have to bother to compare but we still do.
We also picked up hormone free Bryers ice creams there, as well as Maxwell House coffee and decafe coffee, trying their brand for the first time and my green decaffeinated tea and Hubby's sugar and flour as well as my Stevia, soup, hot chocolate mix and tiny marshmallows, and a rotisserie lemon pepper chicken.
Then home!

Just between you and me they have one of the easiest accessible handicap bathrooms too, although those darn doors, you either have easy access in but not out or vice versa, many leave those outer doors off, much better that way! ( Not to the stall, to the main entrance that is.) And yes, I am for gender free bathrooms, we are so behind Europe, they had  had it when I was there way back in 1969! Here we are so hung up on gender and privacy, doors on stalls are okay...this is the twenty-first century isn't it get over it?!
It could be I am more accepting since I was the minority with three men in the house!
But to be fair we did have three bathrooms for many of those years.
We have two now with just us two, but that is because we are old and eat all our meals together so it stands to reason we might have to go at the same time, so two bathrooms is just prudent, ya know?

On that TMI allow me to be the very first wish you all a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know whom and we will too!
You can count on it!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!


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