Thursday, July 30, 2015

Wild Alaskan sockeye salmon asparagus and sweet potato

A healthy meal homemade for two and our dinner for tonight. We had stocked up on the salmon due to a sale at Publix, our grocery store.

One of my favorites and when we used to entertain I had been known to serve it to guests too.

Recipes are numerous online and many are shared on social media sites. Some are obscene and like I have called for years before, "food porn", in the sense they are decadent, loaded with incredibly too much high fat or sweet or salty concoctions to create a glistening photo op and come hither interest for the viewer. 

Tantalizing and literally mouth watering. Anyone trying to watch their weight can be infected with unholy desires to consume many of the portrayed recipes in their finished form that in the long-run would prove to be unhealthy.

Knowing when to say when is a skill that I have never acquired even in my so-called too thin years, yes at times I had been accused of being anorexic. In spite of those unfair claims I have always been a good eater and periodic connoisseur of all things foody-ish, not too much though, although we did own a casual dinning restaurant. 

I do love certain styles of seafood, steak, burgers, hot dogs, Vegetarian etc or nationalities of food from many countries Chinese, Greek, Mexican, Indian, Thai, Italian,German, Jewish, French, Russian and American, you name it... etc.
Desserts are more complicated since I do love most all, from raw fruit that doesn't mean I don't enjoy ice cream cake, the more chocolatey the better in cakes and or ice cream, pies and cheese cakes, strawberry short cake too are great but flan, puddings and JELLO also are not bad either and just about anything poached in its own juices are delish too.

Tonight I am torchering you all with my ideas of what is out there to eat, or perhaps not, please forgive either way.

Most who post these things whether to show where they are eating, even I do that sometimes, we must realize that this behavior should be done responsibly for their are people out there/here that cannot control their lust for some promoted without ill will items there.
I do understand, truly.
Although I am one of those weak minded people without will power and the inability to work off those falling off those wagon consumptions of eating my hearts desire first and thinking later with too much after the deed guilt.
But mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, oh such a good feeling, endorphins kicking in in full force, active, filled within my metabolic joyous calming peaceful restorative, drunk with pleasure of course, short lived once the wave of reality comes back over me.
Someone slap me now!
We all must learn self control in all aspects of our lives with me on the top of that list of many others.
My Mom used to say, all Moms said this I am more than sure "if you can't say anything nice about a person/thing, better not to say anything at all." Or some form of that sage advice.

So I will try harder and perhaps the candidates running in our election too early will try harder too? HA!
Self control, what a concept, hmm?

On that note please allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and may I kindly ask you to count all your blessings and to share those overages with you know whom and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!


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