Friday, January 9, 2015

Today a magnificient feat was performed in front of the masses!

Now you see now you don’t…what is that one might ask, and if I were one to tell that answer so quickly I would shout it to the world!
Come on I hear you saying what’s such a big deal that you continually beat around the bush when the answer is in your grasp to spill immediately!
Oh, all right if you insist…

Remember how I have been to Publix on Cochran Blvd. up north of our usual one, all by my lonesome, and Sam’s Club and even Target, but although all by myself I maneuvered the stores I had my trusty Blue Belle walker gal sidekick for moral and physical support, but today…I went COMMANDO!
Now people that doesn’t mean what it meant to Joey on Friends, to me it means without BLUE BELLE!
Yep I made my way throughout our usual Charlotte Harbor Publix with only the aid of a shopping cart like all you regular people, Ta DA!
How about them apples?

Now to be honest, as you all know that I am, it was totally my decision Hubby did not suggest or tease or coerce me or did anything thing at all to egg me on… I thought that he was a phone call away in the parking lot with Gus if need be at any time it got too hazardous or I created a scene with my woe is me lament causing public humiliation for him and myself and all our nearest and dearest relatives… so all I did as I sporadically felt as if I was collapsing and dizziness would come in waves over me… I would shake it off or tell the nearest stranger about my every personal detail of how I finally arrived to this point!
Oh yea…they were all informed and as not that different from the pied Piper of Hamelin who led the children away I was either making people concern for me or some were wandering far far away as I mumbled on as I zigged and zagged throughout the store with back tracking sadly forgetting where things were that I had shopped in there before for nearly two decades, but a little over an hour after I entered the place that gave me back my independence I emerged with all of our list items and than some, only one item not able to be attained, due to them being out it, but I DIDI IT! IDID IT! I DID IT! Curtain down.

Okay, so I exaggerated a wee bit but I did talk under my breath and felt I had to explain why I was walking back and forth and not too well…and not more than a handful of people really cared, but were quite helpful when asked where anything was…
To the  customer service desk women I suggested they get benches and scatter them all throughout the place that is what I missed the most was my security of being able to rest on my walker’s seat. They politely agreed; it’s not gonna happen…


All in all I am one heck of a pooped old gal, BUT I DID DO IT!

On those awful notes above, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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