Saturday, April 19, 2014

Men, men, men...

Narcissistic Crazy Cardinal continues his... what is it that he is doing?

Many men are proud of their looks and somehow know what colors look good on them and others are NOT into preening. Hubby is the latter, but since he heard that red is a color that women like on men I have noticed he does wear his, ' red shirt'  more often with or without me along...hmm?

But if the truth be told, and it has been said by the fashion industry that red, or be it, Cardinal red, does look well on both men and women of any season, meaning: winter, spring, summer or fall, in other words their coloring.

Than could it be assumed, shame on me for assuming anything that this loony bird is just admiring what comes naturally or is it an ongoing war with another Card that he thinks he sees, of exceptionally good looks that miffs his better judgment?
Gosh, if he could only talk; wouldn't that be great?

He has been at it for a couple of months now, before the official spring was here and we all know that spring is the season for mating, and so perhaps it as simple as that... the reflection in the garden mirror is a suitor for his own love's heart, and he is semi-politely telling him off?

At first we did have a fear of him harming himself but since this is a constant daily thing, and rather amusing and he has not shown any wear or tear, literally or otherwise we have decided to leave the mirror where it is.

After all it has been there for nearly ten years and this is the first time that Hubby and I can recall anything of this 'nature' occurring so why not let things ride or in his case fly!
No, I do not feel mean at all.
For he is not hurting himself and if any of you have had domestic birds as pets/family members you too must know that they do love mirrors in their cages; it is entertaining for you and them alike.

On that note of our interesting little guy causing us to enjoy looking out of our windows more often, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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