Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"Where there is a will there is a way!"

The first quote, that is the title for tonight, was from Hubby's fortune cookie, how mundane and not very fortune cookie-ish, hmm? Although, more apropos for what happened today! More disastrous, Hubby did not get a perfect report from his blood work, his iron was low and so they took another sampling (seems silly and counter productive when he needs all he can get...true?) and he has to return in two weeks to see what's up, worrisome...And I received a phone call that the chosen Blue Cross plan, "Select" was NOT accepted at my chosen rehab! Tears followed after that realization and also my 'new' neuro doc was not on their "select" plan either! And so after throwing one hell of an adult tantrum, Hubby took over and got on the hold line with Fla Blue and after they checked I found out that their OPTIONS plan, although more premium wise, was accepted by everyone I wanted to see and so most of the afternoon was being on the phone changing to that plan with healthcare.gov, had to start all over! Within seventy-two hours all should be well again, until the next shoe drops...HMM?
And so this interesting and rare species of Fortune Cookies was a smile just waiting for me to see some happy in this otherwise tortuous day!  

That is why I will leave you with that one thought, that sadly my being right... expecting the worse, ain't what it's cracked up to be, but somehow it makes you realize more when things just so happen to go right, like if I waited one more day it would've been too late to change, since the fifteenth is the deadline...!

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Speaking My Mind: Yesterday I went to PT... and the PT lady thought...

Speaking My Mind: Yesterday I went to PT... and the PT lady thought... :   ...I had tPA, which is the older medication they used.. .tPA (Tis...