Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Imagination and creativity are born in you, not taught.

How many agree with that entitled statement?

Perhaps, many schools have journalism classes, but few have creative writing ones, true?

Sure we can all be taught proper grammar and spelling, well some can.

It has appeared over the many years that I have had the dilemma of not always being grammatically correct, but aside from my desire to create new words my spelling has been impeccable, at least I think it has? (It could be attributed to all those 100's on those quickie quizzes in fifth grade!)

Malapropism and homonyms are occasionally my downfalls, but can make for an amusing blog that is at times unbeknownst to me?

Sadly, my brain seems to have sometimes that deficit.

In case anyone has forgotten what a malapropism is; the comedian Norm Crosby uses them all of the time in his stand up act, which creates many lovely hours of joy, but his is done on purpose, mine not so much! But please remember that I have MS and although I do enjoy a glass of wine often, I am not an alcoholic, okay?

Here’s the definition of malapropism:

“Full Definition of MALAPROPISM

1. The usually unintentionally humorous misuse or distortion of a word or phrase; especially:  the use of a word sounding somewhat like the one intended but ludicrously wrong in the context

2:  malaprop

Mal·a·prop·ist noun


Mrs. Malaprop, character noted for her misuse of words in R. B. Sheridan's comedy The Rivals (1775)

First Known Use: 1849”

Now most everyone understands homonyms, correct?

Refresher: “a word that is spelled and pronounced like another word but is different in meaning.” Thanks to: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/homonym

Got it?

Some could say that the misuse of words means that you are actually not very bright, oh no, I hope that isn’t the case with me!

Auditory discrimination can also cause not hearing the words correctly when originally taught them, could also be attributed to in adulthood not using them properly, but I assure you all that is not my problem… in my case, it is more than likely short circuiting, since diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

Over these last few years I have found that I cannot, at times, recall what something is called, and thanks to Hubby who has been there to understand me, by my descriptions, what I actually meant, voila, the word is found!

I believe this comes up due to a diminishing of my cognitive ability; shall we venture further into what cognitive ability is?

I can’t hear you!

In this case though, it is okay, I will again take your silence as a yes…

Cognitive ability is:

cognition /cog·ni·tion/ (kog-nish´un) that operation of the mind process by which we become aware of objects of thought and perception, including all aspects of perceiving, thinking, and remembering.cog´nitive

cog·ni·tion (kg-nshn)


The mental faculty of knowing, which includes perceiving, recognizing, conceiving, judging, reasoning, and imagining.”
Thanks to: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Cognitive+ability
I do believe we have all been schooled, or refreshed, or whatever! LOL!

Basically, what diminishes is vital to a cohesive ability to think out things to wander through life with full knowledge of what one is actually doing at any point in time, got that?

My only concern is that with this nasty illness called MS for short, Multiple Sclerosis for long, how does one know that what is transpiring is not dementia of Alzheimer’s disease?

Ah, I do suppose though if it gets to that point one wouldn’t be able to ask that particular question, hmm?

And no, I take those two illness very seriously, since Hubby and I have both been touched, now no jokes about being touched, but his Mom has dementia and my Mom’s sister had Alzheimer’s, but died, thus the had… still no cure for either!

So you can genuinely understand my concern, I bet.

But at this point in time no one has the ability to cure any of the aforementioned ills of no return, including my MS and therefore what the heck, hmm?

Nothing one can do about any of them, hmm?

Just blatant thoughts thrown out there…

That is to my brilliant readership and so on that note of GEEZ, allow me to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you to all kindly count your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

PS the above thoughtful process of long-winded drivel most likely can be caused by my painful night of not much sleep due to eye and head pain; quite severe! When all else fails to make sense I have found there is nothing like a legitimate excuse, so there! (I have just stuck out my adult tongue once again, and boy did that feel really good, ha!)

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