Thursday, October 17, 2013

Just another day in the neighborhood...

We are back to business as usual, until the next shoe drops on January 15th with another possible shutdown and again on February the 7th of 2014, with a need to raise the debt ceiling once again!

Sure we can all go along, fat, dumb and happy as we used to say about stupidity and not really wanting to know what is actually going on or caring how to resolve it, but… if any of you had listened to the president’s speech around 11:00’ish A.M. EST today… This is what my ears heard this morning is that he said he doesn’t want us to go through any of that again basically and he feels that now that things are up and running these people that we Americans hired to take care of our government should go immediately back to work on this project and get it all done, not waiting for those deadlines! In other words we should never ever as a country be put through what they did put us through to no logical reasoning only harm to our financial reputation as well (* my info is additional and incorporated in from what I gleaned from other postings,1Million jobs lost and over 24 Billion lost money-wise from shutting down federally run parks and monuments etc that help with our tax base)…A terrible loss for Americans, while they perpetrated the lie that they were acting on the needs for more jobs and economically too, to stop programs that waste money; how ironic, don’t you think?

In closing the president welcomed back all furloughed people.

His speech is below:

The good news for all this is that we ALL DO NOT WANT TO GO THROUGH IT AGAIN, including many responsible for what did happen, so I have heard. And so that is a very good thing and I do believe that within the first deadline timeline they can get the job done! We must not become complacent anymore than allowing them to become that way too.

The best we can do as citizens is to write to the people in charge of this horrendous situation, our congress and let them know how you feel and your concerns that it should be taken care of way before their deadlines with the first one in just ninety days!

You get the idea and I am more than certain that all of you know how to access the right way to tell them how you feel.

We are a civilized people, us Americans and so be kind and respectful; no matter how angry you may feel… I know I know, not so easy… but as the old saying goes... you get more with honey than with vinegar, hmm?

It is our jobs, as Americans, to make sure that our ‘employees’, meaning all elected officials by us, function for the betterment of all Americans, not just a “SELECT” few, right?


Remember that the pen is mightier than the sword!

And calming intelligent words can work too.

Unfortunately, I am better writing than in person, no patience, but even my writing has been known to get me in BIG trouble, oh well…

And so I will depend on all of you!

On that note of it’s still not ‘REALLY’ over until February 8th 2014 comes without any more threats of anything to do with another shutdown or a debt ceiling not being raised, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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