Monday, July 8, 2013

Another day, another dollar...

That’s what we used to say in business or work mode, in those good ole days.
What is the proper terminology for a retired bum’s day?
That should have been rhetorical.
Since just waking and starting the day and accomplishing whatever your heart’s desire is how we roll these days, in these good new days!

And yes, I did accomplish my ongoing need to regain my strength by returning to the rehab/gym. And of course I am maintaining my newest reps, that is until they get too easy and I wish to go up from whence they are? But who knows where that is, really?

I am beginning to think that perhaps I should also find a new handle for my nickname, other than, Tobi, perhaps lady who enjoys frequenting local businesses of the restaurant type to help with the economy and give Hubby a break from waiting on me?
Too long, maybe, the go out to lunch lady?

Nah, eating out lunch a few times a week is not exactly partying, is it?
We used to do that when we worked and were too far from home or didn’t have a job that allowed bringing your own lunch or found it quicker than driving home and returning to work etc.; except when we were in the restaurant business than we ate, when it slowed down or standing in the back in the kitchen or when we finally would get home late.

Yep, eating out now is more than a social event it is a need to try to get the best food at the best price for the best quality for the best service and we all know that can be an ongoing full-time job! And we are both willing to do it!
Cause somebody has to...

But I think, oddly enough whether eating at home or out I am beginning to have an issue with my tummy, way too often and my once in a time stomach aches seem to becoming more frequent. I am already on two stomach medications prescribed. I suppose a doctor visit is in order, my gastroenterologist who took over from my last one who retired. Timing is everything and today I called in my refill of my prescription from the manufacturer that I get for free of my 40 MG. Nexium and my ninety day supply will be here by Friday, what if I will be changing that?

That’s what I meant by timing, I was feeling better when I ordered it this morning. But now not so good, and this weekend we stayed home and then I was no good either, and so I do believe if this doesn’t go away soon… I have had club soda, and chicken soup, and even Greek yogurt with honey, and even green tea with 100% pure honey too! Not all at the same time, hours a part trying each concept, since I am on way too many medications to add more of those into the mix by me. On 6-21-13 I did add into the mix, Nature Made Super B-Complex, but I first contacted my insurance company's pharmacist at Express Scripts to verify that with all my other meds it wouldn’t be a problem and he assured me that it wouldn’t be. 

Below is the list of side effects I found online:

“Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Super B-complex, a multiple B vitamin supplement produced by Nature Made, contains all eight of this group of vitamins. Vitamin B-1, or thiamine, makes up the largest portion of the supplement, providing 6,667 percent of the recommended daily dose. The supplement also contains 1,176 percent of your needed B-2, or riboflavin, 125 percent of B-3, or niacin, 100 percent of B-6 and B-9, or folic acid, 250 percent of B-12, 10 percent of B-7, or biotin, and 55 percent of B-5, or pantothenic acid. You also can find these vitamins in milk, green vegetables, meats, fish and fruit. This combination of vitamins can help you achieve the needed balance of nutrients along with a healthy diet. It also contains vitamin C. Some of the B vitamins contained within Super B-complex can produce side effects.


Your levels of anxiety may increase if other existing health diseases become exacerbated secondary to taking a vitamin B supplement such as Super B-complex. Illnesses such as hyperthyroidism, mitral valve regurgitation and other heart problems may increase symptoms such as increased heart rate, fluttering chest pain and nervousness. An increased heart rate along with chest fluttering presents an alarming type of anxious feeling. Talk with your doctor before you take this supplement. He may not recommend it for you if your healthy history includes these illnesses.


Your body needs time to adjust to this new vitamin supplement, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. You may experience loose stools when you start taking Super B-complex. The other ingredients such as folic acid and vitamin C also can cause diarrhea to occur. Your stomach lining and digestive tract may become slightly irritated, causing the loose stools to occur. You should see a change back to normal in a couple of days. Call your doctor for advice if you do not.


Nausea, a common side effect of medication and vitamin supplements, occurs usually as you adjust to Super B-complex and other supplements, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Take this new supplement with food to stop the side effect of nausea. If the nausea continues, discontinue the vitamin supplement, and call you doctor for further help.

Heart Rate Change

Changes in your heart rate indicate a problem that needs watching. If your heart rate increases and you become uncomfortable, call your doctor. An underlying heart anomaly may appear after starting a new supplement. This means that a pre-existing undiagnosed childhood defect may exist in your heart and has not shown up until now. It also means you need medical attention.


Super B-complex may increase the amount of gas produced in your intestines, resulting in flatulence. This side effect can occur at any time, the University of Maryland Medical Center indicates. Your digestive tract will adjust to your new vitamin B supplement after a couple of days. The buildup of gas in your belly occurs because of common intestinal lining irritation.”
And thanks to the above site.

No anxiety, at least no more than usual, no diarrhea, if only, no heart rate or change, only the pitter-pat that Hubby still can cause on my good days… and so that leaves  only two and yep, but I had those before and so I guess that I cannot blame the newest addition, since by the way is supposed to help with memory and also aid in preventing dementia or Alzheimer’s:
Here are a couple of related articles on the topic:

On all that info, allow me, to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all of your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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