Sunday, April 7, 2013

Misunderstandings are rampant on this techno marvelous!

I think that I have gone down this road before, but is it just me or have you also had this problem?
That is with having a written conversation and your train of thought gets misinterpreted, since we are usually all on another train?
I personally have created havoc with most people I try to communicate with, mostly because I have a tendency to go on and on and how can any normal human being get my actual drift? To them I must be drifting way off course!
My talking and writing is this odd thing called train of conscientiousness way about me. Some believe that people who act this way are either crazy or brilliant, and of course I prefer the latter. Hopefully not the first, but who really knows...I was tested and it was a no. LOL!

The issue here though is getting a point across when trying hard to cultivate a friendship!
Even on this machine people who you think you know and that they know you, for years, can be side swindled by what you are actually trying hard to express.
Have you noticed this machine has no eyebrows or eyes or dimples or mouth or ears or expressive hands that is part of us have a way to really let a person know whether you are kidding or not, or telling the truth or lying or waiting a beat for the punch-line to come up or… you get my point.
Nothing like face to face confrontations for allowing you to get your meanings across, although, that, even at times, can cause terrible misgivings with your public too?
But it does give you more than a chance to truly communicate!
A lost art.
Sure ‘they’ say that about a lot of things, letter writing comes to mind, but so does talking face to face.
I hear tell that siblings and parents have been known to text when within the same walls of their home!
Amazing to me!
To think the only thing that used to interfere with talking to our sons was maybe, the TV?
But as with so many things none of us ever had them or we turn it off, was that polite?
Who knows…
And perhaps one day others too will ask some of these questions, but these days I think that I am one of the few that pines for the way things were.
For me, it was suggested that I could not talk without my hands.
And as most know I talk a lot, just like I write.

Some may be wondering what brought this thought process on and many may be thinking who cares, but with me it is always something and sure enough it was.
I was chatting on the message portion of the Facebook section with a newer friend and once again I felt that I must have had stepped over the boundaries, nothing unusual there… but this time I was WRONG!
Since this is a person who has many things I could learn about if I will only stop myself from explaining about what I already do know!
You see, they are very bright and I suppose it is my own insecurities that make me do it with wanting them to know I can hold my own too, it’s called sabotaging a friendship and lack of confidence in the respect of also being of value to anyone else! See what a few years of psychology will get you; analyzing simple friendships and your place in them…oh pooh. Oh who am I fooling, I analyze everything!
But, to be honest, sorry Lee he hates that, when I was writing my novella/ murder mysteries most everyone who read my dialogues felt that I was extremely strong and logical in capturing actual conversations of my in depth characters’ personalities, huh?
Who cares really, that was then this is now.
Ironic that I have trouble with actual people understanding me and me them…wild!

On that note of any point that I thought I was making, but again I seemed to have gotten sidetracked…allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and to ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?!

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