Sunday, October 14, 2012

Back to basics...

Daily we adjust to life’s trials and tribulations. In reality, if we do not; what choice do we actually have? Living here in paradise is quite lovely and this time of year it is mostly predictable, temperature wise that is, although, next month is the truly lovelier time here in Southwest Florida, with low humidity and temperatures in the seventy-five to eighty-five degree Fahrenheit range; who could ever complain. Not me ever, about that type of weather; oh and yes, March is nearly a carbon copy of November. With that said one might wonder why anyone would hold up in their abode for any length of time and not venture out into this perfection of G-d’s idea of weather? It is not as if I am gainfully employed in any number of professions that I have delved into in my far-a-way past, oh no! (But I do enjoy reading online and of course some research too, online... And no, this PC does not go outside; very well, too cumbersome to carry.) My only one, the only one I currently enjoy is this one of writing and picture taking that neither have ever paid my way in life… Joy is in doing what you love, is so what we have all been told and that is my only reasoning for doing such frivolous undertakings…And as you all know I and my Hubby are not independently wealthy, so rightly so I must be possessed by some unrealistic demons in my soul to be doing this for no monetary benefits what-so-ever, ha, I say to all of you! Now the rest of that above statement about joy is doing what you love and getting paid for it… One out of two ain't bad I say; and so that is how I make my day a happy one! Knowing one's self at any given time in life that alone is something to feel good about; my question to you is if you found something that you truly loved doing: would you do it? Now here’s the clincher: even if you weren’t able to make a living off of it to pay for what you have come to think of wants, instead of needs? Just an idea to look within yourself; not everyone is forced to change lifestyles due to illness or economics, ya know. If, now here's the big if you knew that doing what you loved would bring you the happiness that you've been searching for most all of your life? Geez, I must have discussed here too many times to remember what our enough is, perhaps if I define it once again this will refresh all of our memories: 1. To a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently 2. Very; fully; quite 3. Tolerably; rather Thanks to: Basically the meaning is a measurement of what you personally believe to be a satisfactory amount tolerably and quite fully. At least that is what I've taken away from the definition. But as we all know everyone perceives what they see and what they hear differently and this is the topic we discussed before… In closing what I tried to say tonight is that we as planetary members of society, I am speaking of us as human beings of this world and that we should enjoy it while we're here. As we all know it is just a blip in the space-time continuum. So why not think out-of-the-box, excuse the cliché, and really do what makes you happy. Another side affect of being happy is like smiles, it tends to spill over to everyone around you; now that’s the way to make your day! And again, who could complain about that. With that somewhat pleasant idea in your brain to give a whirl, allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...!

Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...! :   The Taylor component is working its magic in the article below! I'm all for whatever works! Vot...