Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tonight's the night…

Or perhaps I do; what's that you ask? I do minimalistic yellow journalism, oh no? Do we recall what yellow journalism really is? Sure you do. It's using provocative or intriguing come-on titles to entice or distract from what's actually being said or written. Nothing is beneath a sales pitch concept to try to sell a product, but still trying to stay within boundaries of honesty. No, I am not promoting dishonesty or anything like yelling fire in a crowded theater, or possibly words that entice people to argue or worse. But I am not so low or too high to not try to sell what I am doing here nightly. Perimeters are lines drawn within a certain area; you knew that, and that is where I draw my line within those configurations. I suppose that to really be a yellow journalist you would have to think that boundaries have no lines in your mind. Being not totally honest makes it easy for these people to not have any guilt with how they proceed. Many of us were taught guilt by our parents; they were our consciences and that sort of thing sticks with you if you are a decent human being. The laissez-faire attitude of parenting is what creates some children when they become adults to not be so reliable with thoughts and deeds. Although, it has been said that common sense is born in you and it cannot be taught. Since I only had one year of abnormal child psychology, I don't know if this is true or not. Sometimes things in life seem logical, and then something changes to make the reasoning not as simplistic as first thought to be. Tonight is the night that my title is not necessarily what the content of my blog is… But I did not write the title to mislead you; only to have you read my offering! And so in reality I suppose this is considered light yellow journalism or is it light reading? No, let me, it's both! Have you ever noticed on a slow news day how stations seem to run a lot of segments that used to be called fluff pieces… Since I am not in the business anymore I have no idea. But at least when they sneak in happy stories/items they have sustenance; and this has none. Although, the famous TV show, called Seinfeld, insisted that their writing for the show was about nothing at all and so I feel I am presenting quality nonessential entertainment, or not… (BIG SMILE HERE!) Sure, I am no Seinfeld, but you must admit that I write often about nothing… Of course you do! And due to that fact alone tonight is the night that I will be doing a demi-blog, not to be mistaken for a demi-G-d. I know it's not an exact rhyme, but who’s perfect; definitely not me. Let's recap: tonight is the night that I twisted you up in anticipation of something significant being said and I screwed with your brains and I gave you bupkis, not a thing, nil, nada, zero… And I had a good time and I hope it was good for you too? No? Well, we all know that you get what you pay for, hmm? On that what-have-you, allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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Speaking My Mind: Assuming is what I have been told to never do!

Speaking My Mind: Assuming is what I have been told to never do! :   So, yesterday when I assumed that Mr. Ts AKA so-called X-president, AKA...