Saturday, June 2, 2012

Fort Myers NBC-2 turn for their Hurricane Conference 2012 version

Officially our 2012 hurricane season began yesterday, June 1st , and will continue historically, once again, until November 30th…Now, in all the twenty-six years that we have lived here, weather has not listened to this prescribed time line for doing what it is supposed to do, and so there is an oops factor or wiggle sub-line factor, of what is the actual in the realm of weather predicting…and as many a meteorologist will tell you, if they are honest as the day is long, which as we all know, that in this hemisphere it occurs in summer! So I do believe we are good… consequently we already had two named storms in May, before the legality of their appearance was accepted, but we are all flexible when it comes to weather and that is why we live here in this place called PARADISE, since predictability can be rather boring, even with weather, and so whether or not you believe that one or not…it always has a way of happening daily, as we know…

The cast of talent that was sent from our local NBC affiliate for the conference of the above named occasion was enough of the famed stars of the weather crew… The locale was here in Port Charlotte, at our Town Center Mall,from 10:00 A.M. till 4:00 P.M.,although significantly absent was one of the main characters of much senior notoriety, Night Meteorologist, Robert Van Winkle and he is the guy on the left in the above picture, who had made plans over a year ago, a previous commitment, that could not be broken to appear, and he was missed by all who wished to meet him. To be fair the fairest of them all a young woman that we practically watched grow up on the program, Chief Meteorologist, Haley Webb, is on the right in the above picture, was there along with another seasoned professional, Meteorologist, Jim Reif, and that leaves him in the middle in the above picture! And of course to round out the guided information was our own county Director of Emergency Management, Wayne Sallade, is in the below pictures, the gentleman in the blue shirt, who Hubby has known for years through his job of being a member of the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office as a deputy. Here are some more of the action inclement weather team PICS of all the participants of the day!

Who I must say fielded questions without skipping a beat, like all true professionals have been known to do.
All I know is so far these last few years have been quiet here in paradise and the forecast is for a normal amount of storms coming by or near us, not necessarily at us… Since for that they would have to be soothsayers and again I checked and nope, not a one! My same question yearly is; “Will our home again have a direct hit?” And nada, bupkis not a one could tell me…and they call themselves proudly, ‘Meteorologists’, ha! I suppose that is not the synonym for clairvoyant or even mystic, gosh, than how they predict it all has me stumped! I suppose that all any of us can do is wait, watch and listen, since I hear tell that they have some types of instrumentations that aid them in their nearly always or sometimes, even occasionally on target predictions for our daily consumption of such things… We all know that it is on a need to know basis, and all of us with inquiring minds need to know before during and after… any major STORM!
So stay tuned and I will too, for they are and always will be our lifelines in these things…

On that tidbit of our view of how we handle things here in good ole redundant but accurate, PARADISE, allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all of your blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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