Friday, May 25, 2012

Me too...

How could two words mean so much and become so profound.
Well, since you asked, I will tell you and to me it was my reasoning that I have espoused over and over again right on here in this venue…of me SPEAKING MY MIND!
Howie Mandel was on The Talk today, on CBS a women panel, a clone of the View on ABC, when some thing is good of course they copy it, and he told a little anecdote about when he first met Howard Stern as a guest, back in 1999 on Stern’s radio show.
Any-who, what he said, now this is not verbatim, but the gist of the interview which was extensive and quite entertaining: that after their time was up and he was about to leave someone had sneezed, I might have gotten this wrong, but they touched the door knob to the exit door that Howie needed to use to go out. He asked for a tissue or someone to open the door for him, and Howard thought it was odd and said go ahead just open the door, but Howie started to get very upset and anxious and said no I can’t, some one must open it for me…Howard was very insistent and said come on you’re standing right there, just open it, meanwhile Howie is getting more upset and panicky and persistent saying that he could not…Howard was relentless telling him sure you can, and Howie without realizing that this whole conversation was still on air, said NO I CAN’T! I have O. C. D, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder! And with that someone opened the door and Howie ran out to the New York City streets realizing what had happened and thought now my career is over, no one will hire me ever again, and I shamed my family and no one will understand and perhaps I should end it all… And just when he was thinking all these life changing negative options… Someone came up to him and asked him if he was really Howie Mandel and he said yes, and the man said I heard your interview on the Howard Stern Show just a little while ago and you know something, me too.
Yes, he too had O.C.D. and thanked Howie for telling everyone about his own.

Helping others can happen when we least expect it and so sharing is where the true compassion can come from to prove that we as beings on this planet are never ever really alone…and if we think we are, shout louder and tell someone how you feel and listen to what they have to say, and you know something you will never ever be alone ever again!

I know that some think this is just dirty laundry being aired here, but no, in my mind it is realizing that we are all more alike than different. And each and every day that I am on this planet, called earth, I am more proud of that feeling…
We all have bad days and good days and we all have horrid times and incredible times that make you smile from ear to ear and that my friends …IS CALLED LIFE, and we all share that commonality, thank goodness! Because, me too!

On that bit of an upbeat story, allow me to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all your blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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Speaking My Mind: Assuming is what I have been told to never do!

Speaking My Mind: Assuming is what I have been told to never do! :   So, yesterday when I assumed that Mr. Ts AKA so-called X-president, AKA...