Friday, May 18, 2012

Lucky us!

Living in this place, called ‘Paradise’ AKA Florida, this allows for us to swim for nearly six months out of the year or longer depending on your coldwater tolerance.
Our air is undeniably warm for more than nine months a year, and occasionally longer.
But due to cooler nights our water tends to cool off even in backyard pools.
I know it may seem odd in such a warm climate to have solar panels to warm our pools but most do, and we did too until ours ripped off of our roof due to nasty winds.
But in reality cooler is better with air temps rising so high; it is more refreshing to have that plunge of not too hot.
And so again this morning before our pool became air warmed. I again did go into a lovely eighty-three degree Fahrenheit temperature pool in our own backyard.
Interestingly our bird feeder and bird bath are in the flight path over the pool, which on occasion can mean having a bit of seed in the pool. Oddly enough, though, the birds seemed to have gotten used to me over the years splashing, since they continue to eat and bathe as I look on; although, last year I did not go into the pool, due to a deep realistic fear.
If any recall, that is when I found my heat sensitivity to be tremendously activated by even the slightest deviation in temperatures, eighty degrees Fahrenheit was my limitation for comfort or I would have to wear my cooling vest.
Now, it appears with this hypothyroid thingy and my body temperature dropping to lower than the average my tolerance has gotten better with the heat, I suppose that makes sense in an odd way and is nearly a cure for the problem? I did spend about a total of forty-five minutes in the pool, with a break in between due to finger tips shriveling. Mom’s all over the world used to say that was when we should get out of the water, WOW, some things just stick with you, don’t they?
Who knows…?
Moving on…
Hubby’s procedures are in increments and since I have mentioned that he had gone that first time he has had another visit for his teeth and more to come until the actual surgery. His blood pressure seems to be moderating and he was given something to calm his nerves, which is what his PA, yes another physicians assistant felt was necessary since his blood pressure was rising from, the anxiety of the upcoming surgery.
Sure, that makes sense; we all get that, logically, don’t we?
In a small way that is somewhat of a relief, being a normal reaction.

As far as my ole, ole friend from toddler-hood goes about her odd surgery, no news has been passed on and so we are in a wait and see mode. I keep checking hers and her brother’s site to see if anything was posted and not even from their other family members which are many; not one word on how she is doing…
When I know, you will know too.

Meanwhile, ole school chum, from junior high, her Mom Clara is stable and (my friend’s) niece/ (who is her Mom’s) granddaughter and (my friend’s)great niece / (who is her Mom’s) great granddaughter, got that? They have now moved in, and that must be so nice to have a support system like that I am more than sure!

On that bit of this and that’s, allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all your blessings and share those overages and we will too!
And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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