Friday, May 4, 2012

Is no news really good news?

While I wait to hear my fate and that of another, a mother, Miss Clara’s that is; let’s chat a bit… Today was, well, rather quiet at our homestead. Oh don’t think I am complaining, no one should complain about no excitement daily, or should we? Nah, sometimes it is better to have not too much going on, hmm? Unless you count the beautiful Gardenias Hubby brought in from the front Gardenia bush it is the one that we planted after the giant live oak was thrown across our front door and driveway after Hurricane Charley, circa 2004. Yep, and it’s a beauty now, Hubby just topped her, like you do with the fruit trees; she was getting up there, probably more than ten feet tall. Now she is about six-six. He trimmed back the under sucker branches too. This is the one that gives you those enormous sweet smelling rose like white blossoms, but no thorns and so Hubby brings them in on occasion to float in my shell shaped glass dish. They fill the air with a dreamy aroma that I love so much that, if you recall I bought the scent in cologne, by Jovan, called Island Gardenia, mmm so heavenly. We all need to spoil ourselves occasionally and I am a minimalist even compared to most of my female persuasions or a cheap date. Even when I was younger I was not one to have to be wined and dined nightly, but now we do that at home, ha! Not always but many times, yes we do… you figure that out… Hubby and I have found things to enjoy without that much fanfare. No, we are not always so boring…I hear you say saying that we appear to be! Actually, I can’t hear you, but as you all know ‘that life happens’, whoa is that poignant or what? RIDICULOUS! Telling people what you already know is not respecting your ability to think for yourselves. Don’t you just hate that? Lately TV has been irking Hubby and I all those talk and magazine shows telling us what we should do or know, when did they become more knowledgeable and more common in the sense department, really? Have you ever found yourself laughing at the lack of thought they think their viewers have? Sometimes I think that many feel what they know is better than what we know for ourselves! And all those divorced specialist that feel that we did not cannot decide what to do without tuning in to in reference to marriage or relationships. It’s like going to an overweight, greasy haired, pimply skinned nutritionist! Many an old-time school lunch lady comes to mind. Sorry, that was harsh, but would you ask one of them to tell you what you should eat. So why do we ask single therapist about relationships or childless ones about child rearing? And feel what they have to say is golden. Talk to me when you have been in the trenches, and have raised a few that have gotten to thirty-six and nearly forty years as well educated, capable and contributing to the world from their own vantage points, and not to mention when you have over forty-one years of marriage under your belts, my dears! As you can see I am rarely boring, annoying I’ll give you, but boring never! Even if I sat all day doing not a thing at all, my somewhat idle brain seems to function on a higher level than I thought would be possible at this point…no, I am not saying that I am smart or any such thing, but I do think and when I think I express that here…oh boy, do I ever! My shoulder definitely is a pain that I do…well that old joke keeps coming to mind, you know the one… “Doctor, doctor it hurts when I do this!” The doctor replies to his impatient patient with calming words of wisdom, but we all know that it is just COMMON SENSE, “Than don’t do that!” Big smile here! On that recommendation of common sense medical advice, allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all your blessings and share those overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear? PS On those two above opening mentioned updates… when I know you know I will share, so hang in there, and I will try too.

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