Saturday, March 24, 2012

Taking care of business...

No, Dolly Parton is not here tonight...
Do any of you remember when we were kids and would say it’s none of your beeswax? Probably the youngins don’t recall it since: This term which dates back to the 1930's is commonly found in that phrase. It actually has nothing to do with 'wax'. It is just an intentional malapropism for business. Thanks to: and to read more copy and paste this above site.

Do people even say that anymore?

Well, my title in this case refers to personal business, not public business, since I no longer have public business.
Writing notes to people you wish to communicate with and owe the time to tell them something, preferably that is something nice.
And don’t we all love this techno marvel that does make it all that easier for us to keep up with such things, hmm?

Sure we email, and send silly forwards, which by the way, I had to stop doing since many took many of, the forwards, the wrong way, and were insulted or would insult me back…or they would yell at me to stop! And some even stopped talking to me altogether…or maybe for some other reasons, eh? Who knows who cares? ME!
I am no Joy Behar.

Any-who, so I have decided to take advantage of what I had been doing periodically anyway and that is letter writing with and without some formality, according to its relevance of whom I may be communicating with; now was that clear, I sure do hope so.
Actually, to be fair this is not any new concept for me or you I am more than sure. Why that is what I do believe we all started out doing when we would email.
But grammar and spelling sort of went by the wayside and sadly without my grammar and spell check working optimally for me I too am up a creek without that proverbial paddle!
And so I will have to be allowed to make those mistakes without too many criticisms… oddly enough the grammar check and spell check just kicked in, and changed my too much to, too many and my spelling of grammar incorrectly into the proper way! LOL!
You see, just when I think I have this thing figured out, it surprises me once again!
How truly wonderful!
Mysteries are good and make us believe that things can happen for the best.
Knowing everything is impossible, but learning something new daily is what I believe is one way to prove that this world has many an answer to be found by all of us.
Some time’s it is not that swiftly, but like all good things that take time it is very worthwhile.
Now, where was I?
Oh, using the proper words in writing your online letters, and if we all fail in trying to express what we would like to say… add in XXOO, I understand they are well accepted internationally as kisses and hugs, or is that what they put on Moonshine bottles or pirate flags, nah, sure they are kisses and hugs!

And so in closing with trying to bring this around to my title once again… let someone you care about know how you feel about them via letter writing online, email and texting sound so well, old fashioned now, hmm?

On that rather going against the reasonable idea of what’s what once again, allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

PS it’s none of your beeswax what I do! Kidding of course, for you are whom I do it for.

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