Thursday, February 2, 2012

Welcome to Ground Hog Day!

Punxsutawney Phil is a fine young/old fellow who I am more than sure does a marvelous job yearly for his folks up in Pennsylvania as far as the employment of groundhogs go… I bet he is well paid in groundhog feed, or whatever they, those fellows of that persuasion prefer to eat. But let’s face it, I am no gourmet on that type ingestible grain or even, I might add, in the knowledge of how to train or maintain a groundhog for a yearly profession as important as his citizens have chosen for him. And let us not forget all his predecessors for all the years before him that we as Americans have been relying on for this scientific method of determining how much longer winter will continue up north, since here in Florida it was in the mid-eighties today. Although, I hear tell that in many parts of our country they too have not exactly been experiencing a so-called normal winter, sixties this week in the northeast so the NYC news professed, how odd?
Oh why, you ask?
Well, the main man Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow which according to a very legitimate reasoning of over many years, I believe more than one hundred, and he and his predecessors have seen their shadow ninety-nine times more than they have not.
And this seeing of their shadow means definitively that there will be six more weeks of winter up there in what appears to be a mild winter in some parts, but colder to the west in the northern-lands. Here is the site your kiddies can read about this amazing rodent of mystical capabilities: copy and paste this:

Update: Ala my last’s night no-show on this extremely important documentary continuing biography and rationale of my abilities to express why I am here and how I see you and myself in the bigger picture called our lives…, that is not to say just on Google, but here on this planet, earth i.e., okay?
Or not… or second choice; it could be just to see myself talk nightly, all right!

Any-who, I was legitimately in severe pain and went to bed to create a more body friendly environment since no other position was able to help, lying down was the only answer and of course my prescribed medications of Baclofen (I seem to forget my afternoon dose until something like this happens) and even another Pepcid (I am allowed two a day) and of course my usual after dinner Dexilant for GERD, since I seemed to have severe spasms with severe stomach or heartburn. The theory is if it doesn’t go away in a timely fashion it could be a heart attack and then a hospital visit is in order, but aspirins would be administered; yep, even with my stomach problems! But the other stuff, drugs, worked within hours I was not too bad, although a bit worse for wear, weak and minimal center chest pain, but since I am still alive, so it had to be stomach related, hmm?

That’s my story and I am sticking to it… or nerves over everything I am experiencing these days…on that, huh, allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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