Monday, February 27, 2012

Storm coming...

And so I will try hard to beat any possible outages! Since the thunder is roaring.
Yes, here in Florida they do happen.
Why don’t you have any outages when your storms come to your part of the world?
I do believe that transformers and I don’t mean the convertible vehicles from the movies or toys, ha; these transformers appear to be the power source for our utility companies all over our fine United States.I think they are the target for lightening, really? Who seems that way to me though.
A quiet has taken over and now it seems there is a lull in its taunting of its playful rumblings.
We have been going through our normal dry period here, but this past summer was too, and so any moisture would be a welcome relief.
Since moving to this coast in 1995 from the other coast, where we had lived from 1986, amazingly we have been on watering restrictions due to a low aquifer. Meaning that the reservoirs are low too as well as personal well systems and that we at one point tried to have installed, but they were no longer doing them where we live. Thus our rain barrels that do hold 110 gallons between the two and that is for mostly our vegetable garden and other plants that need refreshment and are weeping sadly; it goes quite far when you conserve like that.
The lawn is our first in all the forty-one years without a sprinkler system due to that; Hubby was in the business in NJ for many years. City water which we have going into our home, for the first time this month’s bill was higher than our electric bill!
So you can well understand why we feel the way we do about water being a very precious commodity, and we do not take it for granted. Most don’t get that, unless they have experienced water conservations bestowed upon them by their community, and yes for the seventeen years we have only two days a week that we can water, before ten A.M. and after four P.M., due to it not evaporating. The heat of the day will do that and then you would have watered for nothing!

It’s difficult for Hubby to see the new people who bought homes across our canal watering when they shouldn’t be during the hottest part of the day and not on their designated ones…yes you can water new lawn and plantings for the first thirty day period, but neither were doing that.

They are new here they just moved in this summer and Hubby was tempted to call code enforcement but he thought that he could not, and then he even considered telling them himself but thought again about it… new people and all, dilemma!
They have introduced themselves to him, a while back and chat across the canal occasionally, but he is not longer in law enforcement and the rule of thumb was not to police your own neighborhood. Although, the patrol car was always a deterrent it seemed for most to be law abiding.

I was a devilish gal when I was able to walk and would do my constitutional around the block daily. If I saw anything off kilter I would call code while on my trek, and they appreciated and things got better around here. You see the area was in a pretty bad way between the hurricane’s devastation and the downturn causing all those horrendous foreclosures our neighborhood was pretty raggedy!
But enough of us curmudgeons complained, since that’s what we get joy from, kidding! Killjoy or not we took action and got it in return, unfortunately some squatters threatened me by saying I hope you get hit by a car, but they didn’t own one that is only the one up on blocks…
Scary, I did stop walking not much after that, but not because of that, because I couldn’t do it physically; hips and legs gave out.

And so dear friends of this world if I could ask one thing of you all, that would be think before you turn that faucet on, that’s all.
Allow me now to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to ask you to kindly count all your blessings and share your overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

PS Update: More good news, my yearly cranial MRI showed that my MS is stable, and you were all worried, Geez, I wasn’t, not for a minute…Oh Okay maybe just a little. See I am no good at lying… Actually, I read just the other day that my Copaxone actually can cause the demyelination to remyelination that means regenerate, miraculous, hmm? Hope so!

Meanwhile, my sinuses and thyroid and cervical stenosis all keep me on my toes and in pain… and darn those little floaters and flashers flicker from my righty eye still…!

The word for the day is ‘LE’, which in Swedish means smile!

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