Thursday, December 22, 2011

Blanks and dizzy is the mode of the night...

Dizzy is easy to explain with me…I bent my head down and I nearly passed out, I had knocked into Skipper’s dry dog food dish (plastic, I’m no fool) and foolishly I was trying to pick it (the food) up.
Good thing he eats dry food, otherwise boy it would definitely be a bigger mess than it was; Hubby got my back and put it all back…I am a poet and I know it, ha!

Blanks, yep me with tonight’s blog topic, I couldn’t come up with something I felt was worthy of your read. I know… but… I want to please you!
And that is ingrained in us gals, but I saw today where our First Lady has taken it upon herself to make all of us little girl-minded people who thought we were not worthy to be considered putting ourselves first, should, like she does.
The information gleaned this time was from Barbara Walters’ interview snippet of her tomorrow night’s 20/20 Show, shown on her daily show, The View!
What an incredible woman, Barbara, is herself, hmm?
Our First Lady says that putting herself first makes her a better, healthier, more rested, happier person, and therefore better Mom, wife, daughter, sister and person; and you know something it makes sense. Not a direct quote but you get the gist…
So I declare that all women do whatever it takes for you to be happy, why let’s not stop there …MEN should do it TOO!
And then we will all be better people, what do you say?
Nothing to lose, might as well try it, hmm?

It looks like the government guys and gals got a vote that should hold people over for a while, at least we all hope so… two months worth, we need more decisive behavior people!
Maybe they should put themselves first? To be happier and better at what they do…?
Wait a minute, they have been and that’s why they have been forgetting about the rest of us…NOW I am sooo confused!
What’s right?

We had been taught that we should always put others first or we would be considered selfish, but the First Lady makes a good point too…hmm… This is a hard one and I am still dizzy from that other thingy I did earlier… and so I cannot think straight on such important topics… can you?
And so I do believe that I will make this a shorty tonight and wish you all a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

Happy third night of Hanukkah! We had some more of the brisket, boy there was so much that we froze the rest tonight and yes there was more… And to think that the whole thing was only a little over two pounds and they shrink when cooking slowly for three hours, but this one is going on and on and on…I hear a song coming on, oh no, too dizzy to sing, nighty night!

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Speaking My Mind: Now it's just me with my wicked old brain doing th... : ...Muddled writing of this blog! Anywho... I have a relevant o...