Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Best Thing about Growing Older Is That It Takes Such a Long Time

All I can say is about that title, which by the way was a fortune from my cookie is; I sure hope so…hmm?
Since as we all know that we age daily and that is a good thing and I have been known to say, actually this is what I say; my verbatim comment: “I hope I get as old as I can, since the alternative to NOT getting older, is dead!” Blunt but lets you know where I stand on the topic, huh?

Not to be mean to the people at large, but that’s why I still don’t get why people seem ashamed of their age and hide it when asked, why is that?
I personally am going on sixty-two, if I should be so lucky when I get another birthday next year. And that joke I made about Jack Benny’s age plus twenty-two on my birthday on the first of this month and me hoping that you were not math whizzes was my little joke, but you all knew that, right? For any one of you know that Jack would say he was thirty-nine, and yes he did have a thing about his age, and if you add twenty-two to his you get…61, of course. Just the mention of Jack Benny tells the ancients (meaning the ones filled with wisdom folks) in the group how old I am since most kids probably have no idea who he is, true?
And that’s what I have done since I was a small child; oh what’s that you ask?
Said the day after my birthday that I am going on the next year of my life, which to my knowledge is true, true and positive and of course hopefully wanting that next year to go smoothly and not necessarily too fast and definitely for there to be a next year!
But as we all know time takes its time, huh?
You know what I mean, because by now you all know me and you are all brilliant! LOL!
But really folks…

Another thing that was indirectly brought to my attention is that I went out more than once without my cooling vest like on June 22nd 2011 about a week after I had my step down pills completed after my infusions of the steroids, a total of a nine days’ process for both. I went with Hubby to his doctor’s appointment and in and out for lunch and other venues that I truly forgot, but which I do believe was my reasoning for feeling so dreadful from the heat. And in turn made me vow that I could or should not leave my well temperature controlled abode and go out into the world of cool/heat atmosphere of in betweens from air to no air of leaving a vehicle and then entering a building that were both well air-conditioned, and dealing with those two extremes of temperatures in short periods of time…
Whew, that my friends was a disaster in the body temperature regulatory commission for me, got that?

Now that I think I got that cleared up please if any of you find inconsistencies in anything that I write please notify me directly and either let me edit/correct it appropriately with your in put or let me explain why it may have happened, OK?
Far as grammar and spell check go in this word program I do believe it only works every few times and then there is my very human errors that I do own up to and are many for that I am more than sure… and so for that please forgive, and thanks from the Tobi management… GOSH! I am pulling your leg folks! You all knew that though, right?
Sure you did…

On that bit of whatever you call this weirdness that is unique to me, NOT! Please allow me to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count your blessings and to share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

PS Kathy today was your day of your birth and I do hope so much that you enjoyed it thoroughly with mucho gusto!


Stein said...

I think it is strange when people give an age like "62 years young". Nothing wrong with the word "old".

Stein said...

I think its strange when people say something like "63 years young". What's wrong with the word "old"?

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