Thursday, January 13, 2011


Did you ever notice what a nasty word, ‘hate’ is?
But unfortunately some beat around the bush and use double entendres but we are smarter than that and do understand the undercurrent they try hard to cover-up.
I have been inundated by meaning well people who may love me and my faith which is oh too sweet not to be humbled by, but they ruin it for me when they compare one religion to another or its people with one having to be all good and the other being all bad.
You know what I mean … oh you don’t?

Hypothetical again let's just say that I am of the Blue faith and another person is of the Green one and many, actually most in the world, other are of the Purple faith and for some reason these people have all been around for ages since before the Purples became the majority. Let’s say for arguments’ sake that the Blue ones were the scholars and Green ones were the warriors who also professed to be peace loving, but the Purple ones were the most religious and saintly; again just for argument’s sake.

And someone sent you an email that said that the scholars were great and had given the world much in progress and knowledge and all good things due to their outstanding accomplishments but had been taken advantage of and were hated for their abilities and jealous ruthless monster-like people destroyed many during an enormous world event of a reign of terror; which is an absolute truism that we all know about. But then for a comparison the Green people who were of another faith of duplicity in their realm of peace lovers and warriors who hate and those few did terrorize and as a union of people gave very little worthwhile to the world, and the Purple ones who were not discussed except for their feelings about the Green ones, and had also been slightly diminished by the reign of terror also felt that the Green ones were filled with evil. What would you do?

I constantly, nightly try hard to not accuse one group of people for the horrors in the world and to me passing on anything that resembles me hating in anyway would not be true to my self respect and diligence to try and make this a better place for all of us!

Consequently, I think it said, since it was a chain-letter that something bad would come to me or if I didn’t spread the word no one would know that I agreed with what it said?
Who knows really since it stopped with me in my tracks, and I didn’t have the guts to tell the sender; it was a few different ones. Since even though my faith was of the one they revered my European heritage was of the monster one as well as my hubby’s, but neither of us care for a country instead of a political regime being held responsible for what actually did happen. I know that is as clear as mud, huh? You see many of the country were also of the faith that was massacred, and not all country men and women believed politically as the evil doers, got that? RE: Sound of Music, sort of…

It does seem that every time I do forward these vehement notes of spreading the word (Which I never do when I try to read them carefully; I may have had a few ooops over the years; and no one lets me get away with that!) or if so subtle that is not too obvious but subliminal so much so that I was also taken in, boy do I hear about it!
It seems these Green ones are the ‘hate’ topic of the era.
And I ‘hate’ to say this folks but just because one egg or even a few are rotten it does not mean they all are! Numerically by stats it is impossible; ask any statistician?

But all groups have been over the times in history the brunt of someone’s stone throwing or metaphorically speaking and many for ridiculous ideas brought upon by one or two others who just didn’t like how they looked, dressed, talked or for any other reason your mind could imagine.

Did you ever know that when ‘hate’ gets watered by public opinion it grows into a substantial monster of its own? Same can be done with love, I hope...

I keep thinking back from my teen years those years of my bratty childhood which unfortunately peaked by the age of fifteen and that is when I was the most passionate with expressing my feelings about hating this or that!
My wonderful decent funny gracious father ‘hated’ that word hate more than any curse word in his book. He said that it made him cringe when I used it and as a teen I hated inanimate objects or even some person at school (and not because of any of the above reasoning’s; just because) or things that I was told to do, some days almost anything!
Difficult teen years amplified.

Any-who, my dad’s words stuck in my brain that hating anyone or anything was horrid and that he didn’t want me to think like that about anyone or anything, and so dad; how am I doing?
Being judgmental and critical of others I am still working on and anytime I feel the urge to be that way I again realize like with that nasty word ‘hate’, how would I like anyone to hate, judge or negatively criticize me?
But we are all works in progress, aren’t we?
And so I beg of us all to stop with all our hate, judging (except in contests of non-violence) and try to see the good in people, which is what my dad used to say.

On that note of telling you all what I know you already know I want to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night to all and to all count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And please next time please be here or be square, OK?

PS our noble canine, Skipper is well once again, hooray!

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