Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The day started out with a very nice pleasant renewal of hearing from another old friend, but things changed

Why did the day change, you ask?
Well, in the very welcoming email my dear old friend sent was the comment that she had tried to Google me, hmmm ordinarily that would bring most to this site here at my Blog or even to my Facebook site, no problems there… But since I hadn’t Googled myself in quite some time, and so I tried it and was deeply disturbed by what I found.
And what was that you ask?
A site that spewed hatred of people with lists that determines race/ religion by surnames, and having a newer greener way to teach hating of people of those particular religions and races, just horrific!
Apparently, it was my own quote that got me into this dilemma, but I am still proud of what I said and will not take it back because I do believe it is true and that their site actually proves my point that, “Hate is a crime of stupidity.” There, I have said it again.
I would truly like for the person who put me on this, ”list” to know that although freedom of speech is a right they do have they should also know that using others’ quotes and names without their permission I believe is not, especially when utilized to promote hatred of surnames of those people who they do not even know!

Speaking of hatred, you know my father felt that word ‘hate’, which is a four letter word, by the way in case you didn’t notice, was an extremely powerful word, and it should never ever be used. He would say, when I as a difficult teen and would say that I hated this one or that one; he would always correct me and say to me that I do not hate anyone and should never ever. But my hate was always directed at a situation or verbal disagreement I was not happy with; never a person for their differences from me in race or religion.

My biggest fear of being part of too many minorities these days, my religion, my being an older woman and now being shorter, obese and disabled is that people will not see me for me, and the fear of invisibility or the inner me.
How many times have you heard people say that first impressions are how most are judged? I too was guilty of that. Well, with all the other problems in the world this is my true fear, and the only way I seem to be able to combat it is by talking too much, and smiling sometimes too often or inappropriately when out. I think I took my own quote to heart, “smiling fools the brain”, well it really does.
Now you ‘haters’ see what you can do with that one!

Good night to all and to all count those blessings and we will too!

Speaking My Mind: The Un-NEWS!

Speaking My Mind: The Un-NEWS! :   Nice title, let's see how many are interested in the "Un-NEWS"... Scattered all over the ya...