Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Is there something wrong with that?
We all have to say one way or another how it really is, true?
How come though when women complain it’s called the ‘b’ word that rhymes with itching or witching?
But somehow when a man does it its being strong and assertive?
Just like this crying thing… you know we get the double standard on that one too, I am speaking about us women in case you weren’t sure!
John Boehner our new upcoming speaker of the house seems to cry at the drop of the hat, and it’s no longer a crime for any man to be that emotional, but still we women would be considered weak now? What?
Yes, that’s what the story is when Hilary Clinton nearly did while running for the presidency she nearly broke down into a crying state during it and it was commented on that she was showing her human but weaker side, huh?
Men are now allowed to but we are not!
Boy, how things have changed, although, we were never allowed, it was considered unprofessional or worse!

I know I do have the habit of complaining nearly nightly and if I cry at times I occasionally mention it but not all of the time because that would just add to the boredom, but I do have feelings too!
And why would mine be considered wrong and now all these gents being allowed to show how they sincerely feel about something without being told that they found their feminine side?
Yep, you got that right!
Crying is no longer considered a gender thing and us who used to be called the weaker sex are no longer?
Well, that’s a good thing, I think! Sure it is.
You know, that is true over the last few decades we females as a gender have proven that we are extremely capable of holding our own in any situation!
And many today are the so-called bread winners with many Hubbies’s staying home and taking care of the kiddies, wow! Or many women are the sole parent.

Topsy turvey, huh?
Upside down from what my generation knew and held in temporary esteem, since we are the ones who began the women’s movement of equality for all.
Men and women should be able to play any sports that they wanted and to also be paid the same for the same work as any man. This one I still think is a wee bit off so I have been told… men are still getting more than their fair share for when they are in the work force.

Emotions as I have mentioned a few times over the years are not unique to one gender over the other we just used to show our feelings differently.
At one time men were told to hold their emotions in and to buck up and not cry.
Women were told to try not to, but if you must do it, do it privately not publicly, what?
Mixed messages as always have been the problem, but now I am confused does this mean we all now can cry if we wanna?
It would be so nice to know the rules.
I’m not COMPLAING, oh yes I am, but in some ways it does make things easier being no definitive gender defining attributes or flaws, or what-have-you?
We are all just human beings in the reality of going about our business and so I do believe it may be a good thing that we are equal in this crying thing.
I can live with it.
But please stop changing the rules every few decades because as I get older I don’t think that I will be able to necessarily be capable of keeping up, OK?

On that slight bit of silliness I will ask you to politely, since that never seems to go out of style, to please count all your blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please, here I go again, nice, huh?
Be here or be square, OK?

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