Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chamber of commerce type of bragging rights day!

When the thermometer hits around the mid-seventies and the humidity goes below fifty percent; what is that called?
October in Florida! And it is perfection in my opinion! (This occurrence has also been known to happen in March as well.)
And it also gives us the OK to opening all the windows in your home to allow that fresh air inside!
We all look so forward to this and now it is here! Hip, hip hooray!
But no one nowhere can say just how long it will stay around for, but we Floridians will take what we get when we get it, you betcha sweet bippy we do!
One would have to admit, to be fair that we were again very lucky with no major hurricanes coming ashore here.

A little over a month left to be totally in the clear of what is designated as the ‘legal hurricane season’, from June first to November thirtieth.
Then supposedly we are in the 'clear sailing', time of year until next June.
But to be honest that two year period when we had those dreadful hurricanes that hit us, in 2004 and 2005 those named storms went on into January I do believe; what a horrendous period in weather time and history.
All I can say it had to be anomaly in our lives.
Nothing that severe should logically be able to prevail again in my life time, I so do hope… or my children’s or their children's either…

Whew, it’s so nice to know that all we have ahead of us for these next few weather months is perhaps a fluctuation in temperature, and in that a lower cooler one.

Moving on to what counts in life… any-who… we have what I may assume to be a decision on the voting path I may be taking.
Yes, Hubby went online today to order our write-in or mail-in ballots.
Fortunately, we now are in possession of our sample ballots that arrived without asking yesterday!
Being non-partisan registered voters this is what we were waiting for.
Knowledge is power and now we are much better informed.
Silly question to the people of the world and of course here in the state of Florida and the US at large; if several newspapers feel that they are going to support a specific candidate, what would that mean to you as a voter?
Let me put it this way, to me… it speaks volumes and so my decision has been made due to my reasoning that is that I feel the media has more access to information than I do.
Does that sound logical to you?
Plus I respect the intelligence and research that most journalist have the ability to do and acquire access to places that they also know where to look and the additional fact that they can delve into areas of importance that I may have missed in my own somewhat minimalist ability of trying to attain knowledge of whom is best suited for the job but without much luck at all.
I suppose if I was out in the world and had the where withal to be in the news loop of these incredible people who search diligently to make us have that nightly news available at the moment we turn our TV on or our phones or computers or however we receive the most significant information that makes us the aware people of the world that we like to believe we all are.
Personally, I signed up years ago for online for their breaking news that comes whenever in my emails; watching the local and national news on the TV too is helpful and beneficial.
But what I found extremely bias and non helpful of course is the fact of the candidates commercials where they actually give very little information on how they are going to change things and say more about how the other candidate is some type of crook or evil being!
If they only realized how counterproductive these ads really were, perhaps their advertising budgets would be put to better use?
But no, they won’t listen and that is why many have turned me off just by that!

On that realistic point of view of how and why I have finally realized how I would be making and using my voting privilege and not wasting it... I will bid you all a very happy good night and to all count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time be here or be square, OK?

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