Friday, September 3, 2010

What can I say?

This absence of mine was not entirely my fault; again the computer misbehaved and caused me to not to be able to take care of business or more complicatedly said get from here to there, huh?
I so much enjoy this daily Blog, but it is not the only thing that holds my attention on this technological marvel that still baffles me after twenty-eight years of using it.
There are of course emails to all of my friends and family, which were nearly fifty in the day that I actually was completely gone from here, missing my Facebook page, and as well as our banking, that is not high finance, by the way, but just paying the bills online. Which does give me satisfaction of knowing that we can still do that money wise in this day and age where everything is so tight, financially speaking.
Intermittently, the system would work but for that last four days it was an iffy daily crap shoot, excuse my French as they say who are they? And we were aided by technicians periodically to get us back online to not being totally out of communication with the world.
At this moment I am happy to say that I have caught up with all correspondence and my new Facebook friends including birthday wishes, and of course paying those bills!
What a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

In a way, I would have been hard tested to write this yesterday since again I was under the weather, as they say a euphemism for feeling like yuck!
I appeared to have some type of thing, bug, or food poisoning, migraine or sinus headache or whatever. Since my symptoms were all over the map of the ‘yuck descriptive arenas’!
The last four days were spent besides being ill with technical support for our malfunctioning computer on the phone with Romania, the Philippines, and oddly enough South Carolina with a total of fifteen different advisors! They all had a different take on what exactly our problem was and therefore while Hubby and I took turns speaking with them as they walked us literally through the paces of adding and subtracting the programs that might very well be causing our problems of not being able to get online!
All in all it finally came down to reinstalling a disc that we had misplaced for this version of our online Internet provider from last year, and in the last minute efforts was found under other things in our cabinet of many other discs!
Apparently most of our online access programs were corrupted although we do have an anti-virus system in place!
Of course our Internet Explorer did not work so we were unable to browse and kept getting that blue and white screen when we tried to go from here to there prior to us not being able to get online at all, and the other symptom was the fact we kept loosing half of our upper tool bar, which did happen a little while ago, and I called Hubby to shut it down and reboot, because every-time before I would do that and eventually it stopped rebooting! So I didn’t want to be responsible for it happening again!

Unfortunately, at the moment my ills have seemed to return since my MS hug and indigestion feels like I swallowed glass! So I will say happy night to all and to all count those blessings and we will too!

PS have one heck of a great, safe and very fun holiday weekend, you hear?

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Speaking My Mind: Sorry for a repeat of missing here...

Speaking My Mind: Sorry for a repeat of missing here... :     It was time for another hospital visit...NOT! Me again...same symptoms of the ...