Saturday, July 10, 2010

I guess the process slowed a bit...

More than likely due to my ills of last night thanks by the way Hubby for pitch hitting!
I would think since I could not approve the new friends then, but since we appear to be gaining a bit of strength in that department today and thus tonight too. I did just check and I am actually up to ninety new friends!
That’s from the initial beginnings of just thirty-four!

New topic…
The old cap for the oil spill has been removed and now we are getting more exacerbated spillage into the Gulf temporarily since they are going to install a better cap called a sealing cap? We can only hope and pray that that works!

Today again I was in the pool, since I had also been on Thursday that was my first day in over a week due to my sun poisoned shoulders and our larger amounts of rain showers cooling the pool. Yesterday I had not been in due to us taking Skipper in the morning in for his yearly inoculations, and then we went over to Fishville and walked around, or I should say scootered around in my case. He does so need the socialization but in these heated temperatures it’s difficult to find places to take him into. The vet did say that we now have paw prints on businesses that allow dogs inside, it is the state approval sign required by these places to notify us, the public that it is OK for doggy to come on in; how nice I say!

I really don’t know what happened to me yesterday although I was extremely dizzy, tired when we returned and nauseous too and so that is why I couldn’t sit here at all. The tiredness continued today too and I napped for a few hours; wish I knew what was causing this, although I do recall that my legs were doing that much stiffening thing that is part of my MS, which I have not had for so long before. And so I emailed my cousin who also has MS but had been diagnosed over thirty-five years ago and she reassured me that it would not last.
You see, every time these newer symptoms appear I worry that they won’t go away and that I am going from Relapsing Remitting MS into Progressive, which is the point of no return in reality, since its all downhill from there…
Ask anyone with RRM MS and they all have that same fear that it is always possible, but fortunately is not always going to happen, thankfully.
Unfortunately, though there is no way to tell, thus all our concerns…

With this new exhaustion for some reason when I am up I occasionally act giddy, or weird, like saying silly things or rolling my rollator back and forth while I stand holding it.
My eyes are blurry too, and for some reason I have a hole in my tongue but I have no idea where it came from?
Anybody out there knows what’s going on with me, please tell me?
Since I sure don’t know.

More than likely all of these new interesting symptoms will subside?
Until then I will wish you all a very good night and to all count those blessings and we well too!

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Speaking My Mind: OUCH!

Speaking My Mind: OUCH! :     For some reason I am having stomach pains, considering I no longer have a stomach, just a small pouch, it is q...