Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Have you ever done something completely out of character?

In all my sixty years on this planet I can think of fewer times than I can count on my fingers on one hand when I fit that description above.
But in retrospect there were occasions that I would never tell about now that I did what I shouldn’t have or acted in a way other than my nature and some of it I do regret.
Some of me is still private, although my family probably would tell you if you just asked, since they do know and might even have a different take on all of it.

Any-who, it has been quite some time and this time, is not at all embarrassing or shameful, to them or myself, actually I would categorize this as more adventurous than any of that.
I decided that when people on my Facebook page recommended friends for me I would ask them, their recommendations, if they would be my friends, and you know something; so far I have acquired more than twenty new acquaintances in these last two days; how about that?
There are quite a few I am still waiting on but I think it is going rather well, don’t you?
Only one young person asked questions of my profession and I have not heard back, since I do believe he was interested in career contacts more so than friends and since I am a disabled older retired bum I was not someone that could be useful to him. And another just wanted to know how I chose him he saw that I knew his uncles and then when I clarified how, that we had been neighbors; he accepted me!
Other than that it has been smooth sailing, as they say!

I do wonder though when I have looked over the newbies info on occasion I have found many are completely opposite me in their political and religious beliefs, well variety is the spice of life. And now I should try hard to prove my so-called tolerance of others beliefs that I expel, make me eat my words folks, nah I can do this!
Sure I want to accept everyone for who they are, and they should also feel that way about me, that’s only fair.
But in reality all us so-called liberal types can we put our money where our mouths are?
That’s not the right expression for this situation, or is it? LOL

Differences are what make life interesting.
The other thing I didn’t mention was the age range, which is vast and the fact that I seem to be acquiring more men friends than woman, no problem for me since I hung out with mostly male cousins growing up and raised sons!
Hubby I don’t think would care either if he knew since he rarely goes on my page, but I have encouraged him to get his own and he’s not interested at least I think that was his reason.

It is always nice to have lotsa friends so the mental health books say and also the TV talk show hosts, so it’s got to be true, right? LOL
The theory is more friends the more people you can compare life notes with, in other words not feel alone in this journey!
And who wants to be all alone?
No one in theory, but in reality, don’t we all appreciate some alone time?

Especially young Moms, why I could tell you such stories when you have two little ones tugging at you or the fear to shower when they were up for your imagination would work overtime thinking that they would get hurt or whatever something else horrid would happen if you left the room for more than ten minutes!
And then they would prove you right, even though your house had been baby proofed months before their births, they somehow could find anything to get into mischief!
Gosh, that’s horrible that I remember those things since my men are now thirty-four and thirty-eight years old those little guys that I remember!
Geez those times fly way too fast, and so all you young Moms out there don’t’ let it pass you by and watch those little darlings with joy and skip a shower or two now and then … you will not be condemned.
You will learn to forgive yourself.

On that note of joyful memories I will wish you all a very good night and to all count those blessings and we will too!

PS My Copaxone arrived today! And immediately was put into the frig.
PSS Although the RN who will be teaching me how to inject it will now not be available until next Thursday evening!

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Speaking My Mind: OUCH!

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